Lottie’s Blog
4th May 2016

Hello everyone,
I hope you are enjoying this sunny weather, I love being out in the garden, helping my mum by digging holes and eating things. I think she is really grateful for my help. I’ve discovered squirrels!!! Ooh they look so tasty, I’ve tried to catch them, but they are faster than me at the moment. Louis isn’t bothered by them, too lazy I think to chase them.
Guess what, I’ve started this thing called hydrotherapy. I’ve been twice now, I was a bit scared at first, had to wear this bright orange jacket thing that has a handle at the top. I discovered that if I didn’t want to go up the ramp, the handle enables the lady to almost lift me up!! How dare she, I am not a handbag, not impressed. But she is so nice to me I won’t moan too much. I’ve not swum much yet as she is getting me used to it, I’m allowed to keep going back to the ramp which reassures me, nice to feel something solid after being made to swim. I’m actually a very good swimmer, I heard the lady say she expected me to splash about at first as I might panic, well I showed her, I swam very elegantly, after all I am a lady! She said I’m a natural swimmer and very good at it. :)) After swimming I’m taken into a big cubicle thing which has a shower, it’s quite nice as the water is warm, plus she massages some shampoo into me which I quite enjoy. Then I have to go and be dried by this big blower thing, was a bit scared the first time, but the 2nd time I just lay down and let her get on with it. I’m very tired after the swimming, but mum assures me it’ll help my legs get stronger (might be able to catch those squirrels then, hehe).
I’m not going swimming again for a couple of weeks as the lady is off on holiday, but after that I’ll be going back.
Well I’m off to sunbathe, have a lovely week everyone,
Lottie xxx
Monday 18th April 2016

Hello everyone,
I hope you’ve all had a good week. I had a lovely time at my nana & grandads, my grandad has a lovely garden and I had a wonderful time walking amongst the flower beds. Mum told me I was a naughty girl, but I ignored her as I’m sure she didn’t mean it. We went for lovely walks to the lake, I didn’t see any baby ducks, but I did quite like the geese, decided I wanted to go in the water after them, so pulled my mum into the lake, she wasn’t amused, but it must have been funny as my dad was laughing his head off, if I hadn’t been on that annoying lead I’m sure I’d have caught one! They do make funny noises though, fancy hissing at little me!!
I’ve been to the Vets in Liverpool today for my check up, and guess what, they are very very pleased with me. Apparently I’m doing so well after my operation they don’t need to see me again. I don’t have to take any more tablets, and can go out for 30 minute walks now and these can be increased. I’ve got to start something called hydrotherapy soon, not really sure what it is, but mum tells me it involves water, so reckon it’ll be great fun.

My mum told me if the weather is ok we are all driving to the seaside later this week, Louis tells me it’s wonderful, I won’t be allowed to run around but I can paddle and splash my mum ( again). I’ve never been to the seaside so I’m really excited. I’m sure I’ll find something tasty to eat, or maybe something to roll in, hehe.
Well I’m going to go, been a long day and I’m very tired now, I will write again soon, big hugs, Love Lottie xxx
Saturday 9th April 2016

Hello friends,

Well what a week, I’m now allowed out for walkies, I’m so pleased. The walks are very short, and I must admit I’m quite tired afterwards, so I think I need to build up my strength. But it’s lovely going out and smelling different things, I saw a squiddle, oh my, I was so excited, but my mean mum wouldn’t let me off the lead to chase it, I only wanted to play with it, not eat it honest ;-)). I’ve also met some other doggies who thought my scar was rather cool! I do love my big daft brother, but it’s nice to meet new friends. Louis always woofs when another dog comes near me, I think he thinks he is protecting me.
Tomorrow I’m off with my mum and dad to visit my nana and grandad for a few days. I’ve not seen them since before my operation so looking forward to it. Nana always gives us lots of treats, and it would be rude not to accept them wouldn’t it, hehe. Also my walks can increase from Monday and mum tells me she will take me to the lake near where nana lives. I’ve been before but Louis told me there might now be baby ducks on the lake, so I’m quite excited, wonder what they taste like :-).
I’ve been very good this week my mum informs me, think she means because I’ve not eaten anything I shouldn’t, however you never know I might find something at Nana’s house.
Well I think I’ll go and annoy Louis for a bit. I will write to you all again soon.
Lots of love Lottie xxx
Monday 4 April 2016

Hello everyone,
Firstly mum told me with everybody’s amazing generosity the wonderful IRR raised the money to pay for my operation and treatments. Wow, Thankyou so much, if I could I would come and give you all a big lick and kiss.
Well exciting news, I’m allowed out this week for walks!! Yay, mum tells me they will be very short and gradually get built up, but it will be so nice to see somewhere other than my house and garden. Louis still gets his walks which I think is unfair, however when mum takes Louis out she gives me a lovely big Kong stuffed with yummy stuff so I don’t mind too much. (Louis doesn’t know this so don’t tell him) 😉
Those horrible metal staples in my neck have gone and it feels so much better, plus my fur is growing back so I don’t look so awful with that nasty haircut!
I actually like my crate now, I’ve decided it’s my den, and when I don’t have to stay in it my mum leaves the door open so I can wander in and out, great place to stash my toys. But I get very miffed, as Louis has decided he quite likes it and sometimes he gets in before me. Now Louis has a big backside and when he is in there, there’s no room for me, so I’m not impressed.
I’ve been a very busy girl this last week, I’ve managed to utterly destroy 2 memory foam dog beds!! Aren’t I clever. My mum must have been delighted too because she used some odd words, not too sure what they were but I’m sure they were words of encouragement. Hehe. I’ve discovered I like chewing and eating things so I’m now looking for my next target.
Well on that note I’m going to go and see what I can find that’ll look better with my teeth marks in, I’ll write again soon and let you know how I get on being allowed back out into the big wide world.
Lots of love & licks Lottie xxx
Friday 25 March 2016

Hello everyone, I’m home and I’m so pleased xx
The lovely people at the veterinary university really looked after me and they gave me lots of cuddles but it’s so nice to be home with my mum, dad and brother, and all of my toys!! I’ve inspected every one to make sure Louis hasn’t injured them in anyway and fortunately they are all well and intact! I’ve also had some new toys posted to me by some lovely people who have heard about me. I’m a very lucky girl.
Mum tells me the vets have done my operation and I’ll be able to run around and play properly in a few weeks time. To be honest I don’t remember much about the operation, however I did wake up with a VERY dodgy haircut!!! Not sure who did my hair cut, but in my opinion they need to go back to hairdressing training school!

My mum keeps putting me in that ugly black thing she calls a crate, I’m not very impressed but I guess it’s not so bad, it’s quite comfortable actually and I usually have a long snooze when I’m in it. Louis is usually on the settee which is next to me when I’m in my crate, I think he is watching over me. Must admit I’d rather be on the settee but I’m not allowed to climb or jump so I can’t.
Well I’m feeling a bit tired so I’ll stop writing now, but I will write again soon to let you know how I’m getting on.
Apparently it’s something called Easter this weekend, hope I get something nice :-)) and I hope everyone has a very Happy Easter ,
Love Lottie xxx
Monday 21/3/16
Hello everyone, It’s Louis here ( Lottie’s hunky big brother)
This is a short blog because I have wonderful news!!
My little sister is coming home Tuesday (tomorrow), I’m so happy, I’ve really missed her even if she does steal my toys.
The vets are so pleased with her progress, she is walking well and they have managed to reduce her pain relief to a lower level which is great news. She will have to carry on taking some medication when she gets home, but in a way I’m quite pleased about me, because when mum disguises Lottie’s tabs in something tasty I usually get a small treat too, which naturally me being a polite well mannered Goldie I accept willingly ;-)) .
Anyway folks, I’m sure Lottie will write to you all later in the week but I wanted to give everyone the wonderful news.
Woofs and licks from Louis xxx
Friday 18th March 2016 Message from Louis
Hello everyone, in case you are wondering I’m Lottie’s big handsome brother Louis. I’m also an IRR rescue.
I’ve heard via my mum that Lottie’s operation was very successful and 24 hrs after her surgery she is already walking! Have to say I’m very impressed and also very proud (but don’t tell her that, she’ll think I’m mushy).
My mum tells me that all being well Lottie might be home next Tuesday, I’ve been a good boy looking after her toys for her, and I’m thinking she might have new toys, hope so because that means I can play with them too.
It’s very quiet here without Lottie, she is a noisy little girl, always has something to say. Or is that just because she is female?!
Anyway I thought I’d give you all an update as you’ve been so supportive of her. Right I’m off to go and roll in mud. I will give you another update over the weekend.
Let’s all send big kisses to Lottie,
Louis xxx
15th March 2016

Hello everyone,
Well today I’ve been on a long car ride and now I’m at the clinic in Liverpool. I was looking forward to seeing my lovely vet Beatrice, but when she led my mum dad and myself into a room on our own I started to feel a bit scared. The big people were talking all about my operation and what to expect. Apparently I might be here a week, a bit longer than I originally thought, so I’m a bit sad at being away so long. I also over heard them talking about me being confined to a crate for 4 weeks once I’m home!! Well I can tell you all I’m not very happy about this. I’d noticed this big black thing appear in the living room and thought to myself what an ugly ornament, why is my mum putting my toys in it I thought, and then sitting in it herself to encourage me to get in, is she mad?! I did giggle though when she nearly got stuck trying to climb out, hoomans are so daft sometimes. But I guess I’ll have to get used to it if it’ll help me get better.

My operation is tomorrow morning, so I won’t be able to write to you all for a while, but I’m going to be in touch via my big brother Louis, who will update you on my progress.
Please everyone keep your paws, fingers and toes crossed for me ,
Lots of love Lottie xxx
12 March 2016
Hello everyone,

I hope you are having a lovely weekend. My dad is watching the rugby, it’s quite interesting as my mum is English and dad’s Welsh! Oops. I’m Irish so I don’t care, and Louis is Romanian so he is just confused!
Today I had a lovely surprise through the post, a get well card and some presents, aren’t I lucky. Everyone is being so kind to me, I must be very special.
I discovered I can still dig holes, hehe. If I lie down in the garden and use my right paw and nose I’m quite successful, I’m making a pretty pattern in the garden, I think mum is very impressed.
My left front leg is usually covered in mud, as I go down on my knee, I think it’s fun, as I get special treatment each time I’ve been in the garden, a wash and a rub in a lovely fluffy towel.
Not long now until I go to visit my friends in Liverpool, my mum seems very anxious about it, but says its vital to make me better, so I give her a big kiss and cuddle.
I will write to you all again very soon,
Lots of love Lottie xxx
10th March 2016

Hello everyone, my name is Lottie and I thought I’d tell you a little about myself.
I was rescued by a very kind lady in Ireland who does a lot of wonderful work for IRR. She looked after me for a few weeks then I went on a very long journey, which included travelling on a big boat and I met my mum and dad the following morning. They seemed very kind, but I was a bit scared I must admit. My new mum kept telling me not to be scared, they’d look after me, and she kept saying how beautiful I am (which I am). We had a long car journey and then I met a bigger version of me, his name is Louis and he is now my big brother. I really like him – he lets me steal his toys and snuggle up with him.
The next day my mum and dad kept muttering something about my legs and saying something was wrong with me, and mum kept videoing me. I heard her say I was very wobbly, I just thought that was an affectionate name. But I was wrong. After seeing a nice man called a vet, then going to a big place called a veterinary university and seeing some very nice people, apparently I have got a problem with my neck.
At first I didn’t really know there was anything wrong, but lately I actually keep falling over on my left leg as my knee knuckles under me and sometimes I feel very sore. It’s not much fun, I’m only a baby and I want to run and play and enjoy myself, but I can’t.
However, I am off to see the nice people again at Liverpool next week and they are going to make me better. They must really like me because they’ve invited me to stay for a few days. I will write to you all again in a few days to tell you what I have been up to. Must go, just spotted a sock to chew before mum notices.
Love Lottie xx