Peggy Ashwood

Gone to Rainbow Bridge

Sad News, Sunday 29 September

Peggy’s dad wrote, “I’m afraid today’s news isn’t good. My poor little girl (IRR Peggy 2021) passed away at 6am today (29 September 2024) after a three days of solid treatment her little body could take no more and her heart stopped.

After initially improving she deteriorated rapidly yesterday and was going septic. As there was still hope (and she was only 9 after all) I agreed for further surgery as she was suffering from Septic peritonitis. My mum said “we will sell the family silver if he have to” so we gave her the chance. Sadly she didn’t really recover and had kidney failure as a result of the Sepsis.

Lumbry Park Hospital have been amazing, tried plasma infusions and every drug imaginable in their critical care unit. Sadly nothing seemed to stabilise her and she arrested at 6am. I am numb. I’ve never lost a dog under these circumstances, especially so far away. I’ve always been with my dogs to the end so this is all very hard to swallow. £13,000 later poor Peg has left us. I’m now going to drive to pick her up and bring her home.

Maybe a greater force at work than I can understand right now. Peggy was a sweet loving girl who really mellowed in the last year. She wasn’t easy in the early days, was seldom clean in doors, chewed my favourite chair to bits, numerous shoes and objects. But in this last year she changed, was clean indoors, didn’t chew, felt finally settled and was a sweet adorable girl. RIP little Peg you were so loved and will be so missed.”


Pauline says, “Patrick is a truly lovely man who, with his Mum, has done so much for IRR and for all the Irish dogs he has rescued over many many years. I know they must both be completely devastated.
I want to thank them for going that extra mile for poor Peggy and doing all they could to save her. Sadly, it clearly wasn’t meant to be this time but I suspect she was saying that she had found the kindness, love and devotion that she craved for the first time in her life and she was now ready to move on, probably to make room for an even more deserving Irish lady that she knew about.

You were loved to the moon and back, now go and fly high with all the other IRR angels, dearest Peggy”