Ricky Granger

It was a cold and snowy night when from the plane they did alight
The weather’d made the plane re-route, to Heathrow, off we had to shoot
Bristol the right destination. Favours called from kind relation
A panic dash to meet the plane. Who knew life would get so insane?
From Airport into London Town , the timid three soon settle down
A hearty meal and comfy beds. A welcome place to rest their heads
So quickly came the next new day. One would move on and two would stay
What adventures would befall? Who knew they’d be so off the wall?
The two who stayed one girl, one boy would learn the meaning of pure joy
The little girl whose name was Molly had a coat like bright red holly
She was a mum though still so young. A better life had now begun
To Devon went her best mate Lizzie. Who knew the boy would soon get busy?
Thanks to Sandra’s loving care, they soon became a happy pair
Sad Molly would rely on Ricky to be her rock if things got tricky
Although the two did not long meet, soon they would surely find their feet?
Our handsome Ricky had just three. Who knew he’d use them to run free?
A visitor had come to stay and soon would dawn that fateful day
He had to join the plane he flew, a member of the cabin crew.
At 5am he tried to sneek out through the door. What made him speak?
“Ta ta Ricky” were his words. Who knew he would fly like the birds?
The guy, in panic soon, took chase with knot in stomach, ashen face.
On the way to Common land, the man with mobile clutched in hand
Gave a blow by blow account of crossing roads and banks they’d mount
One gate not locked, one door ajar. Who knew this boy could run so far?
Sandra, still in gown and slippers, arrived in taxi, waving kippers
Although, herself, a veggie gal, she knew this treat would tempt her pal
He stopped and sniffed then crunch and crackle. She dived, a perfect rugby tackle
On lead, relief, hearts slowing down. Who knew him worth an athlete’s crown?
Back at home a cup of tea. Four legs had finally beaten three.
Uncle Kevin still quite shaken was shocked by all the time they’d taken
Himself so fit (he hits the gym) beat by a dog with missing limb
And then who was it brought him down? Who knew – a lady in nightgown!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They still meet up and, to this day, the conversation will still stray
To the chase at break of dawn and the shame that Kev had borne
To be outrun by such a dog. It’s even written on his blog
He still dines out on this great story. “Who knew a lady’d snatch the glory?
We tried in vain to find a home for one with burning need to roam
We tried to rehome as a pair, their separation hard to bear.
Finally, two homes were found, with other dogs and really sound
A new adventure would begin. Who knew soon we would hit the gin?
Molly’s home was really great. We knew it had been truelly fate
But as for agile, streetwise Ricky, we’d had to be so very picky
Megan (he would be her beau) nose in air, refused to know
A lowlife crossbreed with three legs. Who knew, soon, he’d protect his Megs?
All looking good, we go outside. Sandra scanning far and wide
Ricky too was looking round then, bingo, a way out he’d found
Up the steep and prickly bank. Julie flying with the yank
Thank God for harness and long line. Who knew he’d scale a sheer incline?
A phonecall made, escape routes sorted, shiny disc, new collar sported
Gin for Julie, good for fright. No way he’d ever leave her sight
And sure enough, they stuck like glue. Our boy, his Mum and Megan too
Once the cause of bad surprises. Who knew he’d win so many prizes?
People always stopped and stared, so many times with Champs compared.
For fun she put him in a show. He took his place within the row
Of rescue dogs from near and far. His rosette blue, he was a star!!!!
He clearly stood out from the rest. Who knew he would soon be the best?
The Grand Reunion came to pass. In 009 he won his class
With other winners he’d line up …. all ages, veteran to pup
The judge inspecting head to toe awarded him the Best in Show
This erstwhile stray, so sad and thin. Who knew rosettes he’d one day win?
Our boy would leg it just once more. Once snoring loudly on the floor
His favourite place in Julie's shop where pats and treats just never stop
He spied his chance, out in the rain, our 3 legged lad, our own Usain
His catcher Pete had just one arm!!! Three legs one arm could do no harm.
Sadly, time will not stand still. Our lovely boy has been quite ill
But, true to form, the storm he’ll ride. He takes it bravely in his stride
He loves his walks but, not the best, that day, for safety, given rest.
To lounge in comfort, a great fan. Who knew he had another plan?
That night his mum was going out. He sussed it. Of that, there’s no doubt.
Designer dress and killer heels, going out for fancy meals
Not the norm for his dear Mum, the thought had left him feeling glum
Especially deprived of walking. Who knew, of him, they’d soon be talking?
The first friends came and gave him fuss. The next arrivals start to cuss
Ricky, once stretched on the floor, had smartly legged it out the door
Out into the cold, dark night and not a coat or hat in sight
He led them all a merry dance. Who knew he would still take his chance?
They begged & borrowed wellyboots from friends and neighbours passed en route
At last they found him in the wood - wet and muddy, feeling good
Everyone had played their part to catch the dog with dicky heart,
And missing limb, eyes growing dim. Who knew our lad still had it in him?
His last chase done, no will to run. This growing old is not much fun.
Although he knew she would be sad, and she would miss the life they'd had
He had to ask his Mum to be, the brave one who would set him free.
So one last kiss to say "goodbye" then off to run free in the sky.

Nobody wanted to say the words but we all knew Ricky’s time was approaching. He survived a scare at Christmas and we were very aware that it would be weeks rather than months when his Aunty Sandra and Aunty Pauline went to see him on 15th February for what would be the very last time.
Of course, Ricky’s will was strong, it had to be to survive the ordeals of his early life and, as we knew it would be, his passing would be in Ricky’s time and when he was ready with no real decision to be made by his beloved mum, Julie.
When she took him to the vet, it was a repeat of the Christmas episode when he had gone downhill so fast. She thought he was a goner then and had said her “goodbyes” but Ricky had other ideas so, after a couple of days on a drip, he had come home as right as ninepence. Assuming it would be the same again, Julie was less anxious than before but, this time, Ricky would not be coming home.
An Xray showed he had a massive tumour so the decision was made. The vet said there was nothing more to be done. They took Ricky out into the sunshine, which he loved so much, and he laid with Julie on the grass. He lifted his head to acknowledge a passing cat (he liked cats) and licked Julie’s face for the last time. He then rested his weary head on Julie’s lap and he was gone. It was as peaceful and perfect as it could be.
Julie was given some special time with him and Megan came to gently say her “goodbyes”
Farewell Ricky Boy. Your admirers were many and we will all miss you so much. Rainbow Bridge has a new escape artist and liberty taker but it also has one lovable, very special and unique boy.
RICKY was surrendered to the pound after he had been run over and the owner found out the cost of an operation to amputate his leg. Thanks to the kindness of the vet nurses and so many wonderful people giving donations, Ricky had his operation and after his recovery was fostered with Molly by Sandra in London.
He then went to a loving Forever Home in Gloucestershire with Mum, Julie, and a new found Golden girlfriend, Megan.

Ricky, like Digby and Stevie, was happy to become a Sponsor Dog to help support other dogs with disabilities who have fallen on hard times.
Julie and IRR would like to thank Ricky’s Sponsors:-
Hilary & Eric Cassidy
Carol Gray
Sandra Dalmeijer
Renata Waygood
Kevin Chowday
Rita Audrey Sayer
Chris Cray
Joseph Bowers
Sara Mace
Melissa Faulkner
Pat Arnold

Many congratulations to Ricky who went BEST IN SHOW at the 2009 Annual Reunion. The judge was Dr Nick Thompson, the Holistic Vet.

He also came 2nd in the South West Heat of the RSPCA Rescue Dog of the Year 2007. Here he is proudly showing of his Rosette !!!!
Ricky, you truly are a star!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How the mighty have fallen? After all his success and exemplary behaviour in the RSPCA Rescue Dog of the Year 2007 competition and being awarded Best in Show at the 2009 Annual Reunion we are sorry to have to report that Ricky has now clearly descended into a life of partying and drunken debauchery. He and Julie will be attending their first AA meeting at the 2010 Reunion.