
Archie was 13 months old and neutered. He gets on very well with kids and previously lived with 3 children aged 7 and 3 and an 18 month old toddler. Archie was very gentle and careful with them. His previous owners in Scotland sadly took the decision to rehome him because he had a habit of chasing livestock.
Regina said. “The photos of Archie were taken with my dogs. They took to each other straight away and are already great friends!! Teddy could not care less, even though she put Archie in his place a few times to start with, like a typical woman she showed him who is boss in our house!!!! Archie tried to hug her and put both his paws around her neck and she didn’t like it. Mind she is getting a bit cantankerous because of her age.
Archie has settled in very well and is a very gentle dog. He comes and lays his head on your lap to get cuddles. We fed all the dogs together in the kitchen and there was no trouble at all. I gave him a few treats with my lot and typical like a golden, he could not wait to get it in his mouth, but he was very gentle!!
I can already see that he is going to be a pleasure to have around!! He went down the garden a few times, now I know it is not a 50 acre farm, but every time I whistled he came straight back to me!! I know, I know it has only been half a day…….”
Archie is a little darling and gets on very well with my 3 dogs and he does like cats. There is no agression in him whatsoever. I do feed all the dogs in the same room. He does give up treats with no grumbling. He is very comical and makes me laugh quite often. He is completely house trained and did sleep in a cage for the first few nights but eventually he was trusted to be left alone in a room without the crate.
Archie does like his cuddles and comes for them quite regulary, he will nudge your hand or put his paw on your lap. Sometimes he will sneak up on the settee to lay next to you. I do try to discourage it but hey…
The only trouble with Archie is, he can be strong on the lead once he gets a sniff of something nice or we meet dogs on our walks which he likes to say hello to. Also he will try to chase after passing cars, but I am sure with a little bit of ongoing training, this can be put right. He is not as bad as when I first got him. I have arthritis in both knees and walk a bit awkwardly, but I am aware of his antics now and have no problems taking him out for a walk.
Archie is a great dog, a real pleasure to have around. If I could I would keep him myself but with 3 dogs already it is not possible,unfortunately. He will make somebody a great pet and we are sorry to see him go. I am sure once you meet him you will completely fall in love with him, like we did!!
Juliet and Mark said. “On Saturday, 27th March, we picked Archie up from his foster home. After a three hour journey, we met up with the rest of our family and Jess, our four year old Retriever, and went for a walk on our nearby forest. They behaved very well and we headed home. Once in the garden, they played and played until they were worn out!
We had our first week together, which went by with no problems. Archie watched and listened carefully and soon fell into our routine.
Jess goes to Obedience classes and Agility, on both occasions, Archie is always really pleased to see Jess when she returns home.
The following weekend was Easter. This was busy because we had house guests and two extra dogs, one that visits regularly and a 14 week puppy that none of us had met! Archie took it all in his stride, lots of new friends and more play fighting! By week two, we had let him off the lead and he is very good at coming back to us.
In the six weeks Archie has been with us, he’s experienced so much! Two visits to the beach – which he loved! He likes water more than Jess and we thought she was a water baby! Our nearby walks are on the Ashdown Forest which is dog heaven, heath land rather than trees, acres of freedom away from roads and lots of lovely smells! Last weekend we met up with an organised walk, mainly rescue collies and the dog head count was 49! Archie wasn’t at all fazed by this; in fact he was positively chilled!
Last week Archie started Obedience classes; he’s shown us already that he’s eager to please so we’re sure he’ll do well. Agility is also on his agenda but, we’re waiting for a space in Jess’s club. She does Agility competitions so Archie will go along too to watch!
In short, Archie has definitely arrived at his Forever home, he’s a very happy boy and we’re proud to be his Forever owners!”
UPDATE 30 DEC 2010
Juliet said. “Just wanted to share a lovely photo of Archie and our other Goldie Jess, we rehomed him in March 2010 and he’s a fab member of our family!

He goes to weekly Obedience classes and is doing Agility training, I will compete with him as soon as he is ready!”