
This very handsome chap is Argyle, Argie to his friends. He’s a Retriever/Collie Cross. When he arrived in IRR care, he was somewhere between 14 and 16 years old.
He had lived with his previous owner for 13 years but a change of circumstances left Argie looking for a new loving home where he would be able to continue his retirement and get loads of love and cuddles. Argie is being rehomed by the Oldies Club and is in a foster home in West Essex.
Like many Crossbred dogs, Argie is a wonderful mix of both breeds. He thinks like a Collie but his personality is often quite Retriever like. He is alert, intelligent and quick to learn new things but, most of the time, he’s really chilled out and relaxed. He might be of more mature years but he loves to play in the garden for a mad ten minutes of ball chasing.
After that, he’ll settle down and sleep for a couple of hours till he’s ready for a walk. He’s very good on the lead and walks at whatever pace his human dictates. He would probably prefer a couple of shorter walks a day rather than one long one. Exercise to Argie means sniffing – he can stand with his nose buried in a tuft of grass for ages, tail wagging furiously.
Argie is one of nature’s gentlemen. He settled into his foster home very quickly and proved himself to be easy going and undemanding. Although he was used to being an only dog, he is living happily with two elderly female dogs. He is extremely respectful and polite towards them and clearly enjoys their company. However, he’d be just as happy to be an only dog again. He is very affectionate and loves human company so he’d make an ideal pet for a retired person or couple. Argie lived with cats in his previous home so probably could do so again, with careful introductions. He is fine with children but because of his age any children in his new home would need to be over 10.
Argie has had a sore nose but this is almost healed now. It is possible that this might recur occasionally, especially in the hay fever season but topical treatment with a cream from the vet will keep him comfortable and help it to clear up quickly. He has a heart murmur but this does not seem to cause him any problems and he is not on medication. He would need to be checked out by a vet every three months or so just to check things had not changed.
Argie is neutered and vaccinated. He has also been flea and worm treated and microchipped.
Through the Oldies Club, Argyle has found a lovely new home with Anne and Bev. He met them last week and adored them straight away. In fact, when it was time to leave he jumped into their car without a backward glance. He settled himself in the driving seat and was ready for off. Once he understood that he wasn’t going to drive, he settled down happily in the back with his new mum. He’s going to be the only dog in his new home so will be spoilt rotten, which is exactly what he likes. It’s fine sharing with two old girls for a little while but a lad needs his own space and his own cuddles.