
Bailey is seeking an adult only home with a confident but non-confrontational handler due to issues with resource guarding. Bailey will guard stolen items and this needs to be managed by limiting his opportunity to guard and not challenging him if he does manage to get hold of something. IRR have back up advice and support via trainers and behaviourists to help with any problems that may arise with regards to this issue.


Bailey has been here 2 weeks now and is a stunning, extremely heavy coated and very affectionate, loving pale 9 year old Golden Retriever who absolutely adores his food (a little too much). He is successfully starting to lose a few excess kilograms with exercise and a strict diet.

Bailey is very good on the lead being surprisingly sprightly and fit for a dog in his autumn years. He has become really quite attached to me in the short time he has been here, and given the opportunity would follow me around everywhere.

Today we let Bailey off lead for the first time on Salisbury Plain in a safe area. Thankfully he was very well behaved demonstrating a good recall (ok we cheated a bit by using his favourite dried chicken breast treats). He seemed truly overjoyed at his new-found ‘run wild – run free’ status and has been good with other dogs including males since his arrival. I will now regularly be walking Bailey off lead in safe dog-walking areas to help build up his rear muscles.

Since arriving Bailey has demonstrated some resource guarding which has been successfully dealt with by trading up and offering a treat as an exchange, so this will need to be carefully managed. I’m confident there is an angel out there who can open their heart by providing a loving home for this very special boy – he is certainly more than worth it – believe me they will be very well rewarded.