Baxter Queen

Sad News 20 January 2023
Baxter’s mum said, “We sadly have to inform you our gentle giant Baxter who we have had since 2011 April has sadly passed away in my arms this morning with Steve and Ruby (IRR) his sister by his side.
An understatement to say we are devastated but we thank the IRR for rescuing him off the streets of Ireland many years ago.”
Jayne and John his foster parents who have visited him twice a year for the last 12 years and a massive thank you to Baxter for the love he has given.
We also thank you for his sister Ruby who we have had 6 months and Baxter loved her to bits she was a tonic for him.
God bless you all for the amazing work you do always here to help.”

Baxter is a Golden Retriever who is about 2 years old. He was fostered by Jayne and her family.
Jayne said. “Since arriving on the 12th March, Baxter has made friends with my 3 cats and dog. He walks well on the lead when on the pavement but when on the grass he will pull like mad while sniffing the ground.

Baxter likes to play ball although he will not bring the ball back to you he will happily run round the garden with it. He will chew up sticks if he gets the chance. Baxter is very sociable with other dogs when out on a walk. He gets very excited at meal times and will jump up, but will sit when told and is not food aggressive.
Baxter is an affectionate boy and enjoys a lot of fuss and attention.”
Jayne and her husband John came round to test Baxter’s recall as they had not let him off the lead. He was amazing and his recall was 100% – as soon as John called him he was there, even when out of sight and distracted by the pigs!!
Baxter was great with our dogs, even Harvey was on his best behaviour. He is a stunning looking dog and they have worked wonders with him, he seemed to have calmed down a lot. I’m sure he will make a great addition to any family, maybe not with small children though as he will jump up if you let him.

Baxter went to his new home with Sharon and Steve on 13 April 2011 who said “Baxter is everything we wanted and more. He slept like a baby on the way home and jumped out of the car running to the front door as if he belonged here. He loves the garden and the cat. We walked him to the vets and he weighed him for us, and he was as good as gold.”
We have had 2 lovely weeks with Baxter, though it seems we’ve had our young man for so much longer. He is getting better at eating his food and not gobbling it down, and is also allowing the cat to eat (with supervision) in the kitchen with him. He still steals though: it was so funny when Steve left some bread rolls on the worktop top and only crumbs were left!!! Well he is 100% better as we can now eat on our knees or at the table and he just lays down now.
He loves his toys and adores going on long walks around the lakes. At this moment he is asleep by my feet and for all the world looks as content as can be. He has stopped opening doors or even trying, so maybe he has decided it’s good to stay here with us nowadays!
We wish to thank IRR for rescuing Baxter making our lives complete. We have made many new friends since we have had him and everyone finds him absolutely adorable.
We have now had Baxter for 6 months and he is a very happy friendly young dog. At first he had a few bad habits but with pet sitter friends and dog walkers he is now more mature and very laid back (just like my husband).
He thinks nothing better of racing to greet Auntie Pat waiting to jump in her car so he can chase across the fields with her. He has brought so much happiness into our lives and in return we love him to bits: he’s never been naughty – well ok – maybe the once when he tried out our leather settee!
He continues to grow and we’ve been to the vets regularly as Baxter has a digestive problem which has been operated on. Baxter is insured and we really want to do our best for him always.
He is so funny at times: as you will see from the photo he goes for walks with a raggy in his mouth, and people look at him and smile. My husband Steve always says to them “well he is a baby”.
We admire so much what you ladies and gents do to save these wonderful animals. We have owned retrievers for some 30 years and we are so very privileged to have such a beautiful and special boy in our lives.
Jayne and John are wonderful foster parents and we keep in regular touch. They are now like our extended family: the love and devotion given by this couple is truly wonderful.

July 2012: Update from Baxter’s forever home
Baxter is gorgeous. He is absolutely as good as gold and a great companion. We all love him to bits and are honoured to be his mum and dad.
We are very grateful to have found Irish Retriever Rescue.