Ben Wright

“Barnaby reporting here. Well, what can I say? Not unlike one or two other well known IRR fosterers, my folks (Louise and Paul) are really quite hopeless!!!!!!!! They have added to our numbers again and Bill and Ben are staying forever.
Their excuse is that the boys can be a bit of a handful (I can vouch for that!!) and they would be really worried about them going anywhere else and getting into bother again. They also needed to be in a forever home with other dogs and I reckon few people are nutty enough to have a pack of six like my folks have been busily acquiring, not that I am complaining.
I don’t mind admitting, I was dead scared of Bill and Ben to start with but Mum told me it was not their fault that they didn’t know doggy manners so I gave them the benefit of the doubt and, sure enough, we are good chums now. I have to say, it didn’t go unnoticed by me that they were always quite fine with the ladies!! Whilst not liking my little Cocker boy puppy cousin, Blue, they totally adored all three of my sisters right from the start, and especially the middle aged Irish ladies, Maggie and Millie
My Mum has worked her magic again and Bill and Ben are now model citizens while Dad, always a soft touch, is totally in love with them so there was never going to be a different outcome and, I am delighted to say, all is well here in sunny Norfolk”


Bill and Ben are six year old Golden Retrievers. They are mirror images of each other though Ben is larger in frame than Bill. Bill and Ben were groomed after taking a few days to settle but saw a vet straightaway for a check up. They are now neutered and have received the correct inoculations to go to the UK together. Bill was relinquished with his brother Ben, on the understanding that they would be re-homed together, which IRR endeavours to do unless the dogs fight or prove to have a negative impact on each other Apparently, Bill and Ben are used to children, having been brought up with them, but due to work commitments and a growing family, it was seen as the most sensible thing to do to get them rehomed. Kathryn explained that IRR do not ever re-home dogs unless placed inside the home and are a fully integrated part of the family. In the UK, they are being fostered with an experienced fosterer, Louise who has children, dogs and other animals.
Their profile is based on her initial assessment in early February and report after a month on 17.3.2017
Both boys are very healthy and robust. They are both slightly underweight, though you wouldn’t realise it to look at them due to the dense fluffy nature of their coats. This means they need extra grooming but, fortunately, both love to be brushed and pampered.
Now the boys true character is showing, they are very different dogs than the bewildered two who arrived a few weeks ago. They are still very much a bonded pair and even walk in step with each other, both on and off lead, but they are now happy to be separated for short periods of time and will happily come out with one or more of my dogs leaving their brother behind.
The boys are still a closely bonded pair but are no longer inseparable. They prefer to sleep touching a human but will happily snooze apart or together. It seems human attention now overrules their need for each other.
Both boys are very, very gentle in all they do. They are puppy like in their movements sometimes but it is always done slowly and gently. They both always have a smile on their face, they are incredibly affectionate with all humans big and small and they now seek humans out rather than each other.
Because they adore human affection, they seek out a lap to lean on or hand to stroke at every opportunity. Ben especially loves having his tummy tickled and will roll onto his back as soon as he sees someone bend down! They are very rewarding to look after.
Bill and Ben have come on in leaps and bounds! They’re unrecognisable from the boys that arrived a month a go. Both individually and as a pair the boys are delightful. They are both eager to please and quick to learn. They’re happy walking for miles or just having a gentle stroll. They’re happy to sit and watch the world go by in cafes and always attract a lot of attention!
For no obvious reason, both Bill and Ben are still quite wary around doorways and sometimes have to be encouraged to come into the house. If I back away they will follow but get very anxious if I walk towards a door to call them in. They dither before coming into a room and hang back until given permission.
Initially, Bill fretted in the car. He couldn’t even get out of the car without Ben his brother to paw and Ben also seemed to get upset in the car but, when he saw his brother Bill, he settled and was fine. Together, they appear to be good travelling whether it be to jump into the car on a short spin or going on a longer trip.
After a few initial hiccups, thanks to their patient, gentle fosterers, both boys are now fully housetrained. RESOURCE GUARDING: The boys used to push each other out of the way regularly but didn’t do it with people or my female dogs. They now eat within a metre of my 4 dogs without issue.
They are easily walked if together. Ben walks well on a lead and harness but is very strong if he veers from the path you want to take. He does return to heel quickly when corrected.
Both boys have instant recall (to both of their names and to those of my dogs!). They are incredibly food motivated and a treat works wonders with teaching all commands except stay! They’re so excited they can’t sit still!
Bill and Ben are good with adults and children
They were very anxious around other dogs initially but this has almost totally disappeared. When they are on lead, they still aren’t keen on small noisy dogs. They now sleep in the same room as my dogs and aren’t concerned how close they are to each other
Definitely no cats and no small animals, reptiles etc. Surprisingly enough, they show no interest in chicken.
Ben is slightly larger than Bill, he is very pale cream and has a beautiful fluffy coat. He is occasionally anxious but tries very, very hard to please and usually has a huge grin on his face. Ben is delightful with humans! He is extremely affectionate and always has a smile and a wagging tail to greet you. He is usually a gentle giant of a goodie and is, remarkably calm and laid back about most things he has come into contact with. He is able to settle in a different room to Bill and explores the garden happily without Bill’s company. He’s taken everything human in his stride!
Bill and Ben should be homed together somewhere with no cats or small furries. They would probably benefit from being part of a large family where there is enough attention to go round! They have become less dependent on each other having been surrounded by four dogs so we believe they would thrive in a home with a sensible, well socialised female or two who would be a calming influence and mentor.
It came as no surprise when Bill and Ben were adopted by their fosterer.