Beryl Fry

BERYL found so much happiness and then cancer cruelly snatched her away from her loving family.
Beryl is a lovely 10-year-old yellow Labrador who was fostered in Somerset.
Her fosterer said “Beryl is obviously used to being one of the family as she came straight into the house and she made friends with our other dogs immediately.
She is very happy, friendly and good natured and never stops wagging her tail, even when she came back from the vets after being spayed!
We have not had a chance to see Beryl’s reaction to our cat as yet, as our cat is currently in hiding because our other foster dog is not cat friendly!
She was only spayed last week and we have not been able to take her out for long walks yet, but around the house and garden she comes the instant she is called.
Beryl is very enthusiastic about everything that is going on, loves lots of attention and tends to push her way to the front, particularly at meal times!
She loves being stroked and having a fuss made of her. I am sure she will settle very quickly in a new forever home.
Her adopters will be very fortunate to have such a good natured, loving and friendly companion.”
Beryl went to her new home last Friday, 20 February and although we were very sad to say goodbye, Beryl seemed more than happy to be going with her new Mum and one of her new friends, a lovely GSD called Ronny.

We have since heard that Beryl has been a great hit with the rest of her new family, 2 more GSDs and an elderly Collie.
Beryl’s new Mum said, “I don’t think she will be going anywhere!! She has really settled in well, and mine are a delight with her, actually they don’t even bother her.
She now comes up the stairs unaided, has managed to get onto our bed in the mornings for cuddles, and has found the delights of a sofa, so yes, Beryl has found her new home!
Will send more pictures soon.”
Beryl is just doing so well, her nicknames range from The flying Beryl (loves her walks), Miss Pushy (loves to get in on all the fuss that goes on) and Miss upside down girl (cos that’s her position on the sofa 90% of the time).
Everyone on the common loves her and she loves everyone too, she goes flying up to them as though they are her long lost friend! She mainly walks with Ronnie’s younger brother Freddie (GSD) and he keeps an eye on her making sure she doesn’t get to far behind or ahead! But we couldn’t have chosen a better dog to just walk into our family and become part of it so quickly, it feels like she’s been with us for years, not months.

Latest photo of Beryl with our lovely Ronnie, who came with me to pick her up!
Here are some more pictures of the Lovely Beryl!
She has sooooooo settled into her new home with her new brothers and sisters, and we just couldn’t imagine life without her. It has given Phil and I great joy to take an oldie on, and she has fitted into our lives as if she has always been with us.
Denise and Phil write: “It is with a heavy heart that we have to tell you that we had to let Beryl go to Rainbow Bridge today. Her spleen had a huge tumour on it, which could have been taken out, but the cancer had also spread to her liver and it was only a matter of days before that would also bleed. It was therefore decided to let her go on the operating table to save her any suffering.
She knew no pain before the operation, still going for walks and eating for England, although she must have had some discomfort.
Beryl was a fantastic girl and just walked into our family and fitted in so well. We have no regrets at taking on an older dog. She had a wonderful year with us, it is just so sad we couldn’t have had her longer. Thank you for letting us have her she will be so missed……………..”
We at IRR are so sorry to hear the devastating news about Beryl and want to thank Denise and Phil for giving her an absolutely wonderful year and for being brave enough to put their special girl first by letting her go without pain or loss of dignity. It is the hardest thing in the world to say “goodbye” and our hearts go out to them at this extremely sad time.