Bonnie Scott-Miller

Sad News 2 December 2020
Bonnie’s mum Alison said, “Our second IRR girl has left us. Bonnie was special in many ways. An ex-brood bitch she had a few hang-ups when David collected her from fosterer Andy in the midlands 8 years ago. She had to be kept on a lead as she loved a good fight and chasing sheep.
She mellowed eventually and learnt to be friends with all our foster goldies, but made sure they respected her and could quell any who overstepped the mark with just a look. Given the chance, she would still chase sheep and trains! Yes – we had to be very careful at Harlech!
Swimming was a passion, and Bonnie gained some notoriety at Southport lake when David had to strip off and swim out to catch her from chasing ducks.
A few weeks short of 15yrs, she was still fit and insisted on a daily walk. She was so affectionate and adored babies, so sad she didn’t make it to see our first grandchild.”
Re-united with Summer and Treeva, fly high with all the other golden angels Bonnie.


Bonnie was going to be 6 years old on 25 March 2012. She was surrendered into the pound by her owner, together with her 14-month-old pal, Clyde who, it was decided would be better separated from his older friend.
Bonnie is a happy girl. She’s one of THE most gentle little girls I’ve ever come across in my life – a true sweetheart. She appears to be fine around children she meets. She’s a little bit timid in a new situation; good in the car, housetrained and good on the lead. This girl would suit any situation – family, other dogs or only dog.

Bonnie has settled in so well with our other 2 Goldies one of which, Summer (was Ava), we adopted from IRR in 2006.
She has learned to play gently with our old Goldie, and is extremely gentle with us. She adores mud and puddles and also swimming so comes back from walks in a proper ‘golden condition’.
Television watching is a new pastime for her and we have never had one who likes it so much so it causes great amusement. She loves a lot of fuss but is not pushy with it, just gently comes and places her head on your knee.
Her inexperience means she is interested in anything that moves outside and we will have to do some serious recall training, although she is vey responsive in the garden. She also is capable of a fridge raid, so nothing we have not experienced already after 6 rescue goldies. Thank you so much.