
Brian is a 12 to 24 month male Golden retriever who was surrendered through no fault of his own.
Initial report – Ireland: July 2012
Brian has a lovely gentle nature. He would be fine around children (not bouncy or flighty); he gets on great with other dogs, is good on the lead and travels well in the car.

Fosterer’s first report – UK: August 2012
We’ve had no problems at all with Brian, and more importantly he’s fully house trained. Ok, he does like to make himself comfortable on the sofa or a bed and will snuggle up on the sofa for fuss.
He’s been fantastic around our children and has behaved brilliantly. Our youngest Thomas who’s five and unfortunately disabled has had no problems and he can quite happily eat his food on the sofa without Brian trying to steal from him, which is more than can be said for or other three dogs! Brian will also back off when Thomas tells him `No’ but equally will allow Thomas to play with him. However, when Thomas wants to play then Brian is up for it and will not show any signs of aggression regardless of how rough Thomas is. As regards my older two children he’s taken to both of them and we frequently find that Brian has sneaked into Emily’s (13 years old) room and is curled up on her bed. Emily is overjoyed as Brian is the first foster dog that has shown any interest in her so he’s been an instant hit!
Brian’s only flaw, and I must stress its very minor, is that he does pull on the lead. He’s very friendly to all the dogs and people we meet when we’re out walking. He’ll happily walk with my other dogs and is reasonably well behaved on the lead.
Brian is slightly underweight; however, he shows no signs of any food aggression and also doesn’t snatch when hand fed.
I’ve got say Brian is one of the best foster dogs we’ve looked after. He would make a super family pet.
September 2012: Brian has gone to his forever home
Brian has gone to a fabulous forever home and will start his new life with Lisa, Chris, Lee (18) and Reece (9).
We wish them every success and know that Brian will bring reward them with loyalty and affection. I know that Reece will especially enjoy Brian’s company; he’s the dog that every boy should grow up with and I’m sure they’ll have hours of fun getting into mischief.
Giving Brian up was very difficult as he was a very special boy. However, we know that he’s gone to a great home and hope that we will receive plenty of updates in the future from Lisa and Chris.