Buddy Tooke


Buddy was a gentle, fun-loving dog who was always smiling. Everybody who met him loved him and he is still greatly missed by Sally, Graham and all his little friends.
Despite thinking they were starting to get on top of his ongoing condition, Buddy suddenly became very ill and died far too quickly. His passing was very peaceful and his beloved mum and dad were there with him to cuddle and comfort him.
Our big gentle giant, why couldn’t you stay?
Our time far too short to be taken away
The joy and the love that came into our lives
In our hearts, although broken, forever survives
A more cuddly dog we could never have known
But how could we know you were simply on loan?
You taught us how perfect a good dog could be
A shining example for people to see
Remembering your gifts, caring, total devotion,
Unconditional love leaves us full of emotion
Adoring our family, so gentle and kind,
The very best dog that we ever could find.
Your coat really gleaming, with well toned up tummy.
No-one could be prouder of you than your Mummy
Never greedy with food and respecting the others
Our midgets adored the tip top of big brothers
Although twice their size, you were gentle in play
They hate their big brother being taken away
Soggy slippers aside, it did not take us long
To know that you never would put a paw wrong
Pressie in mouth for your customary greet
My match made in Heaven, you’d lie at my feet
For just over5 years, you were simply the best
Such a wonderful boy, who would ever have guessed?
Who knew you’d be gone just as quick as you came?
Without you, for sure, it just won’t be the same
You were clearly too good so God wanted you back
A special Dog Angel for his large Golden pack
Sally was devastated to have to tell us that Buddy was put quietly to sleep on Wednesday afternoon ( 15th January 2014). It was really peaceful with both Sally and Graham there with him and with Buddy’s head resting gently on Sally’s knee
He had been diagnosed with megaesophagus a few weeks before but the feeding regime was going really well. He had been fine the day before so it was a complete shock when Buddy collapsed in the garden on Wednesday morning . He was going blue so Sally & Graham rushed him into the vets and he was put on oxygen which stabilised him.
They then had a long discussion with the vet, who they greatly respect. There was no trigger to set this episode off and the vet, obviously, could not guarantee that this would not happen again very soon. There was no way his family would let him suffer and it didn’t bear thinking about how awful it could be if they were asleep or not there when it happened again so the heartbreaking decision was made to let him go.
This hateful condition had seemed to gallop along in Buddy (as it had with Pauline’s Ricky) but he had appeared to be holding his own and going out for short walks. On his last walk he had been nosing with some tame sheep and was a very happy boy. He was still eating like a horse which Sally had taken to be a good sign especially as he had even put a bit of weight back on.
They had planned, when the day came, to have Buddy put to sleep at home but, with the panic, that was not to be. Instead, after the decision had been made, Sally fed him a whole tin of mini frankfurters which must have made him feel as good as he could. The very kind vets had bought in tea for Sally and Graham and left them with Buddy for a while to say their final words. He was then sedated before he was given the final injection. All was very peaceful and Sally was there on the floor with him.
Sally said “I always feel really guilty when I lose anything I love, always beating myself up and asking could I have done more etc, but the recent loss of Pauline’s poor Ricky has helped me (and her) to realise that we had no chance.
Buddy was such a big presence in our home – we still have 7 other dogs, all small, but there is now a big golden void.”
Hopefully Buddy & Ricky are together now happily playing and in top form again. For sure, dear old Jimmy will have been there ready to greet them and Alice, another lovely Sponsor Dog, who also passed over the Bridge on the same day as Ricky.
A big thank you from all at IRR for giving Buddy such a loving, happy home and for helping him to be a wonderful Sponsor Dog. He will be really missed by all the people who loved to receive cards from him & regularly read about him & his large family.
Buddy, go fly now with the other special Dog Angels xxxxx
Buddy was fostered by Jane who said. “He’s like a big soft cuddly teddy bear and is very affectionate. He gets very excited first thing in the morning or when he has been left for a few hours but soon calms down after a bit of fuss and lollops off and lays down. He loves to walk around with a soft toy in his mouth (it’s like his comfort blanket!!). He is 100% house trained. Enjoys his food and loves being brushed. He is very gentle when taking food from your hand. Understands sit, stay, down and paw. Seems fine with the cats and has stopped chasing them around the house!!
When out he is very friendly and nosey and will go to anyone who shows him attention; he gets on well with other dogs. He is brilliant on the lead. He has met children of all ages and will join in with them playing.
When at the IRR reunion nothing seemed to phase him at all and he even came 4th in the Best Dog in Best Condition under 5 years old category.
He is a lovely dog and I cannot praise him up enough.”
IRR Reunion Tough at the top!
Jane said. “Just to let you know that with a lump in our throats and a big hole left in our hearts, Buddy has now gone to Cornwall to his forever home with Tammy.
He was the perfect house guest!!!!!!!
He seemed fine with Henry (Tammy’s black Lab) to the extent that they more or less ignored each other.
We will miss him greatly but I am sure he will have a happy life ahead of him and look forward to the updates from Tammy.”
Tammy said. “It’s been about a month now since we collected Buddy from his fosterers, Jane and Malcolm. When we first met him it was love at first sight.
We took him for a walk with my two Labs, and they got on very well, despite my male Labrador not particularly liking other males.
Once we got home, we settled very quickly into Buddy’s new routine. I took him to the vet to register him and get him weighed, and the vet commented on how well we had bonded so quickly, and they would never have guessed that I had not had him from a puppy; he was watching my every move.
Over the first few days, my Lab had a few pops at Buddy, putting him in his place but, thankfully, as Buddy is such a laid back placid boy, he didn’t retaliate and accepted his position within the pack. Since then, they have all got on famously. They play tug and chase each other, grabbing each other’s legs which is lovely to see. My labs have been trying to teach him to bum tuck, but he looks at them like they are idiots, and only something that stupid labs do, and he wouldn’t lower himself to their levels.
We have been down to the beach a few times, and he loves it down there having a good explore in the rock pools. He has also had a paddle in the sea, but not yet swam, but don’t blame him at this time of year, you wouldn’t catch me in there.
He has just started moulting so much, having only had labs before, I was not expecting this. TWO CARRIER BAGS FULL in 2 DAYS!!! Is this normal ????? LOL. My two Labs were getting jealous of all the time that Buddy is being groomed, which he loves, and grabs my arm every time I stop to clean the brush out. Anyway, with two jealous Labs, and an impatient Golden Retriever, I ended up with three dogs on my lap, I could hardly breathe. Buddy then decided that it would also be fun to grab mouthfuls of his fur from the bags and run round the room making a complete mess.
What else can I say about Buddy, other than he is the most perfect dog ever. I really didn’t think there was such a thing as a perfect dog, that was until I met Buddy”.
Sadly, Henry decided that he really didn’t like “Mr Perfect” so, with a very heavy heart, Tammy decided Buddy would have to leave Cornwall.
He immediately went to Sally (the wonderful forever fosterer of Jimmy and Old Freddie) who had decided this time she wanted to adopt a middle aged boy who would be with her for, hopefully, a good long time. Needless to say, it was love at first sight.
I have booked Buddy in for a wash and brush up on Monday.
He ate all his dinner no problem and has not gone around the other bowls and finished off the midgets’ food – such a good mannered lad. I know it is very early days but he is lovely – sitting at my feet as I type this – thank you so much for thinking of us. You were right, it is a match made in Heaven.
I will keep Buddy on a nice long lead when we go out and will not let him off until I am confident with him and feel he trusts me.
Buddy slept through the night with not a peep – all clean too. He is getting there with the dog flap – came back through it on his own!!
He has not barked yet. Graham and I are taking bets – he thinks he will bark by Saturday.
Sally said, “Buddy has been with us since December 17th and has fitted in with our 5 other dogs with the minimum of fuss. He has had problems with his ears which, fingers crossed, have now been resolved – they must have been quite painful but Buddy was well – just Buddy. He is full of beans and plays with all his canine friends – he is a joy to watch. He does have one bad habit though – slippers go missing to be found mouldy and soggy where they have been left in the garden – he greets you with anything that belongs to us but he is so loveable he is instantly forgiven.
Buddy is a livewire and a pleasure and an asset to our home. Thank you so much, especially Pauline, for giving us the chance to give a home to this smashing dog.”
As Jimmy had done before him, Buddy went on to be a much loved Sponsor Dog. He was happy to represent the “perfect” dogs who still end up unwanted through no fault of their own.
Sally would like to thank all the lovely people who sponsored him and were just as devastated by his passing as we were.
Rita Moohan
Sandra Dalmeijer
Pat Arnold
Joy Dickinson
Daniel Osborne
Karen Isaacs
Jill Rhymer
Sallie Bowden
Jenna Laney
Debbie Mallett
Katy Reaston