Benji and Cassie Green

2014 was a horrible year as it was when both Cassie and Benji went to Rainbow Bridge. The one good thing is they are, now, together forever and are running free, both young and happy again.

CASSIE (1996 to 12.3.2014)

Beverley told us “Dear old Cassie passed over Rainbow Bridge today. As she was probably about 9yrs when she was adopted in 2005, she had made the amazing age of 17yrs. Her dad, Lester, was with her when she fell asleep peacefully on 12th March with her dad, Lester, by her side.
We are so grateful to Irish Retriever Rescue for allowing us to adopt Benji and Cassie. They have brought us so much joy and we have lots of happy / funny memories. Our holiday in the caravan won’t be the same this year. Cassie always got so excited as we approached the farm gates and, as old as she was, she would chase the pheasants on her early morning walk in the woods.”
The 9yrs we had together were wonderful and full of very special memories. For sure, you will be excitedly chasing the pheasants at Rainbow Bridge while you wait for your beloved brother.
Go fly with the angels, darling Cassie love Bev & Lester, Jack and Grace xx”
BENJI (2000 to 19.5.2014)

A devastated Bev tells us “Cassie didn’t have long to wait. Our wonderful Benji Boo passed peacefully over Rainbow Bridge on Monday 19th May to become another IRR dog angel.
It was a combination of old age and nursing a broken heart. The vet said it was old age but losing his life long partner would not have helped. His heart had been broken, as were ours”.
The family are in pieces and they will all miss him terribly, especially the children who grew up with him, but they know their special boy is at peace now and happily reunited forever with his beloved Cassie.
Benji was unwanted because “he slobbered and had dirty paws and was hairy”. He went to live happily with Bev and Lester in their pub in Leeds where he became a great favourite.
Subsequently, they also adopted Cassie when she had to be rehomed because of her terror of loud noises which made her very destructive. Needless to say, she soon settled and lived very happily with her new brother and human family.

Benji was a true Super Hero, having alerted Bev and Lester to a break-in in the pub, and acting as Nanny while they went to investigate. The children, who grew up with him, absolutely adored him and he loved them very much too.
Bev said “We are all in pieces and will miss him terribly. We know the special boy who gave us so much joy is now at peace and is happily reunited with our beautiful Cassie.
We will always remember you both with love Bev and Lester, Jack and Grace xxxx”