Casper & Lady

CASPER and LADY are both neutered and are 9 and 10yrs old respectively.
Sadly, their heartbroken owner has to rehome them, due to a change of circumstances. This means he has to move into an apartment, which would be totally unsuitable for them.
They have lived together all their lives.
We are so happy for them – they have found a forever home where they can stay together. They are now happily living on the Isle of Man.
Carl and Hazel say: Well 6 weeks into having dogs again and a dream come true!
We are absolutely thrilled with Casper and Lady and feel very privileged to be able to give them their ‘Forever Home’ here in the Isle of Man.
As you will know we had to go to Belfast to collect them and bring them back on the boat which is about a 4 hour journey. We had to leave them alone in our car as we are not allowed to stay with the car, so after all that and arriving at a new home with new people they were amazing. They were very happy to explore new sights and smells and have settled really well. They met our 2 old horses and plod through the fields with us and them. They have met our antisocial cat but not much love lost there so they have learnt to avoid each other!
I am so glad that our daughter Jo found your website and I think when she and her husband find their ‘Forever Home’ she will be getting in touch with you.
Please thank Sandie too and of course we wouldn’t have been so fortunate if the previous owner had not been so caring. He must miss them so much. We have been in touch so he knows that they are O.K if not a little spoilt!