Bailey Little

21.08.2007 – 5.5.2020
Gemma says, “At 12.30ish on 5th May 2020 we said our goodbyes in the garden to my soulmate Bailey (previously known as Cedar). The most incredible handsome 4-legged best friend that I could ever have wished for.
He taught me how to be brave and strong, how to cope when things are hard and how to smile when not all is well. He taught me so many life skills without even knowing it! He inspired me to run my business, he made sure I knew how to look after reactive dogs and kept me smiling every day. He watched me grow up, mature and become who I am today, he walked me down the aisle on my wedding day and kept us busy on our honeymoon! His stubbornness, his love for his tennis ball and his protective side for me all made him who he was today.
He was so brave with whatever he faced, including his kidney removal, and he lived for the love we gave him, he had the biggest heart and touched so many children lives. Rest in Peace Bubba Bails, Bailey.”
BAILEY, was CEDAR, is a yellow, very very fluffy puppy. He looks much bigger than most of the others because he is so fluffy. He is probably going to look more like a golden retriever than any of the others and be a very big dog. He plays nicely with the other puppies and seems a very contented, laid back little fellow.
He is named after a tree, like his brothers Rowan and Ash whilst his sisters were all named after flowers. He is one of the surprise puppies born to the very beautiful and very young golden retriever, Kaleigh.
Bailey who was called Cedar was the biggest of Kaleigh’s babies and the one who was most like a Golden Retriever. The pups have now celebrated their first birthday. Bailey passed his Puppy Foundation Course on 14th February and is now going for his Bronze Kennel Club Good Citizen Award. He is very much loved by his mum, Gemma.
July 2014 – Update from Bailey’s Forever Home
Gemma wrote to tell us:
“I thought that you may like to know and see this picture of one of your rescues receiving 3rd in Scrufts at Bedford this weekend. He truly is an amazing dog, last weekend he also one a First in best rescue with a trophy too”.
Well done Bailey!
Puppy Diary
Bailey is a yellow, very very fluffy puppy. He looks much bigger than most of the others because he is so fluffy. He is probably going to look more like a golden retriever than any of the others.
He plays nicely with the other puppies and seems a very contented, laid back little fellow.
He looks as if he will be a big dog.
Baby Pictures
Bailey’s Diary
15th October 2007
Bailey was fine in the car but he would not give into falling asleep he kept wanting to stay awake he did go to sleep on the way home for about 5mins then woke himself up to smell around the car. When the car stop he was a little sick which we think was probably the motion of the car and his first time in the car. The first thing Bailey could see was chip the dog we are looking after so we separated them for a bit and he was able to walk around on his own to have a smell and know his surroundings. We then went into the garden where he wanted to play and run around he was chasing me in the garden. Bailey then had his feed which he finished the whole bowl which was good. And he got to know chip and they are great together. Chip is so kind to Bailey, our only problem is chip is only 2 years old and wants Bailey to be her new play mate. We took both dogs for a walk in the field although Bailey was in my arms the whole time it was a good way we thought for him to get used to his surroundings and where he will be able to go for his walks. He really liked looking around and watching chip. Although he was getting heavy so it was only a short walk. Bailey spent all night with no crying which was good and he was in my room all night in a puppy play pen and I woke up every now and then to make sure he was ok. He had a hot water bottle and a bed with some toys and he has been doing lots of wees and poos most being out in the garden.
First Week
Bailey has had his first injection on Tuesday and he was fine at the vets but when the needle went in he cried and nearly made his new owner cry. The vet says he’s very healthy and the right weight for his age. Everyone in the vets wanted to give him a cuddle they all said he was lovely. The vets said that Bailey would probably be tired after the injection, but he was full of excitement and just wanted to play, he wasn’t tired at all. He really loves the garden, he loves running around with Chip, and he is definitely not nervous of her, he tries to play fight with her. He really loves knowing that Chip’s beside him, he even copies her actions. Bailey is bringing a lot of joy to our house and we absolutely love and adore him to bits. More pictures and info soon.
Bailey’s adopter says he has settled in well and is into everything. He has pulled apart her mum’s indoor flowers and made a mess with the soil – he enjoyed that, though! He chases Chip, the chocolate labrador, around the house and the garden and it looks so funny as Bailey is so much smaller than Chip. He follows Chip everywhere. He has got past the stair gate a couple of times and raced up the stairs – it’s so hard to stop him as he is just too quick. He is heavy to carry now as he has grown so much and got so heavy. Bailey has been getting loads of comments about his looks and he loves the attention. His owner is going to send some pictures to the Hemel Hempstead pet calendar. His house training is going really well. He wants to play all the time so it’s difficult to take pictures of him.
27th November 2007
We went to the vets today he was waighed (10.3kg) and microchiped. Not even a little wimper, he was soo good. I was dreading this day as I know the needles are a bit bigger and as he cried before and during his injections, I thought he would of done today but he was fine. He should be reciveing his bronze in puppy training in the first week of january if he passes which im sure that he will. He has started to chew a lot, and anything he can get hold of. So we have bought him a lot of teething toys of course the toys are not what he wants to chew when there are sofas, a table and the wall there.
We received his tag and its really nice I put it on him when it came through the post so thank you for the tag. It’s got all the information that he needs to pass his bronze in training to.
Unfortunately Bailey did not make the Hemel Hempstead calendar! I have included some photos of him, but I’ve been trying to get ones outside – he knows that it’s play time and his time to run around and enjoy himself even more… he knows that it’s not the place to sit down. So it’s proving very difficult, they are very blurred were he’s moving, and you can’t really see him. I’ll keep trying.
He seems to have some quiet hours indoors as he gets so tired so I’ve been able to take a few. Although he barks at the camera so he can look a bit fierce sometimes. He also barks at the hoover when it’s switched off.
I hope you enjoy the pictures, and you can see that he is gorgeous.
15th December 2007
Iam just writing to let you all know that this year there is a new santa…
He is a little cutie and can be very cuddley, but remember he only delivers the prezzys he does not stay and you will never see him delivering them as he’s down the chimney and very fast. Watch out for those cookies you leave him because there will not be any left. Oh yes and please do not leave any carrots, I don’t like them much.
And just to let you know, I’m having great fun with the Christmas decorations!
Santa Bailey x
12th January 2008
Bailey was taken to the vets on the 20th December as his owner could see that his mouth was swollen. He had an abscess in his mouth so had to have an anti-inflammatory injection and an antibiotic injection.
He was on antibiotics for five days but the swelling came right down straightaway and he was back to his normal happy self. Poor little man was very brave. The vet thought it was caused by playing with another dog or getting hold of something he shouldn’t have, but no-one saw him playing with anything but his toys. He is now a happy little chap again and is still their little poser.
He weighed 15.3 g on 20th December and is very healthy.

After all this, Bailey did have a very nice Christmas and he enjoyed a walk in the woods with Chip, his friend, as they were reunited again. They were absolutely covered in mud when they got home and Bailey really enjoyed himself. Bailey still remembers Chip and hopefully willcarry on with the relationship as he will be able to visit her :)))
Great news – tranning with Bailey is excellent – he is so clever and with just body language he knows what to do. The trainer thinks that he will be moving up soon into the next group and he will get his puppy bronze award as soon as he can stay for ten seconds. That’s the last thing he needs to learn to pass. Only two puppies in the class are at this stage and Bailey is one of them. His owner is very pleased and proud 🙂
Bailey has also meet two puppy boy labradors, a black and a golden, and he is starting this Sunday to join them in their walk. The age gap between them is exactly a week, labradors born on the 31st August.
Bailey really likes to play with them at puppy training. See below some pictures of him enjoying his walk at his park with his friends that he has meet since he has been allowed on the floor.
27th July 2008
Hi joy
A little update on little bailey and a picture of him doing agility, we went to an agility fun day and all the excitement for bailey meant I had to do the agility with I’m on the lead, but doesn’t he look like a handsome, grown-up boy jumping over that jump, I have also met up with Jan recently and took bailey to the beach along with guy and two other golden retrievers which he enjoyed a lot and he slept for a day after, he was so tired from all that running from the waves, I don’t think he really understood them. pictures to come off the beach soon. bailey has had his opp Friday were he was castrated (bailey only had one testicle that had dropped when he got castrated so they did have to find the other one which wasn’t too far up, although the vet said if it wasn’t removed it could have given him cancer in later years.) and his back dew claws have been removed, and he is completely fine, he still wants to play, although we don’t really want him to as he could make himself sore so we are trying to ignore him when he drops the ball down by our feet which is hard because you just want to play with him. and he is so happy in himself still which is good.

The vet said he is very healthy and he has grown to a very nice looking dog they also said whatever cross bread he is it was definitely a good mix. which was nice. they gave him lots of attention and looked after him. he was and is a brave little boy. back to the vets Monday for his check-up but everything has gone well.
Gemma and Bailey