Stevie Phipps

On 3.4.2019, we heard the words from Alison that we had all been dreading “Stevie’s health problems finally got the better of him and we had to make the hardest of decisions. We are just lost without him. Run free sweet boy and be at peace”.
Andy told Alison, “He was such a character and so brave. You gave him the most wonderful life. When I collected him, I struggled to see what his future would be but you both proved me so wrong. I only wish I knew what to say.” Sadly, it was not long after Stevie’s passing that Andy was also cruelly snatched away from us.
Wendy told us, “It is so sad but Alison has given Stevie the peace he deserved. I have sent her a green heart and a Rainbow Bridge picture in remembrance of Stevie”.
Wendy said to Alison “I was so sorry to hear the very sad news about your lovely Stevie. You gave him a wonderful life and he is now free from pain at Rainbow Bridge.
We met a few times at Reunions where I used to do raffles, tombolas and made cards, etc. I used to love making you birthday cards for Stevie to send out to his Sponsors”.
Stevie was a popular and much loved Sponsor Dog and like Wendy’s Ossie, the plan had been for them both to retire from doing it at the end of the year. How sad is it that, in December, Ossie also crossed Rainbow Bridge. This came only a month after another much loved Sponsor Dog, Rocky, was also taken.
Pauline, who fondly watched Stevie’s progress throughout his whole life said to Alison “I am so sorry and feel devastated. I can only imagine how distraught you must be. I know it is of no comfort right now to say how wonderfully he did considering his appalling start in life, his blindness, his epilepsy and his age related problems.
Words are totally useless so I will send you the hugest of hugs instead”.
Poor Alison sends apologies to all Stevie’s wonderful, loyal Sponsors for not being able to write to them all personally but his loss has been tremendous. We feel sure you will understand.
We know Stevie will be flying with his many dog angel friends including his very best friend Sam who was taken too soon. He will, for sure, have also been warmly greeted by his foster brother Gizmo and his other partner in crime and fellow Sponsor Dog, Digby.
Within a few days of Stevie’s passing, our much loved friend Belinda made the same journey and, we know for sure, she will now be caring for all our wonderful dogs at Rainbow Bridge until such time as their devoted owners are reunited with them all again.

Stevie spent his young life alone in an old shed
His eyes were blank and all his joints were very sore and red
Despite all this, he was a dear, so loving, sweet and kind
And a wonderful ambassador for others who are blind
It never stopped him living life at Stevie breakneck pace
He even did agility knowing Mum would point the place
To jump and weave like sighted dogs. He thought it all good fun
At home he chilled with Sam and cats, his Mum and Tom, her son
They washed him, groomed him, fed him and gave him treats galore
And, best of all, they told him” You’re the boy that we adore.
He went from strength to strength when nurtured by love
His forever guardians were like angels from above.
Against all odds, his life was long but time is no-one’s friend
Old age caught up and, finally, his life came to an end.
Love was all around him as he said his last “goodbye”.
His passing was so peaceful as he floated in the sky
But bonds so strong will never break
And even though are hearts still ache
We soldier on in sun and rain
Until the day we meet again


Stevie, once called Chester, was about 18mths old in 2007 when he was rescued from appalling conditions (being locked 24/7 in a shed) but, despite this, he was a very normal, very lively and happy youngster with one major difference. He is BLIND in one eye and can probably see no more than shadows from the bottom of his good eye.
He has undergone surgery to remove his bad eye to avoid any problems in the future and he sailed through this surgery in his usual happy go lucky way. Whilst in foster in Ireland, he learned to negotiate a very tricky route which included 3 steps to take himself out to the garden. He was also found to be calm and gentle around a very young child. We knew even then this was one AMAZING boy.
Andy cared for him for a few hours when he first arrived in the UK (at 2am) before he went to his proper foster home and, in that short time, he totally fell in love with him.
Andy said “He is full of energy, fun and love. He is a big fusspot and great fun. I am not sure of what the exact problem is with his eyes but his blindness does make him clumsy, as you can imagine. However, I am sure, once settled into a steady home, he will negotiate his way
round with little trouble”. How true did that turn out to be! He also answers to Stevie (as in Wonder)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He was then fostered by Pauline and he had a whale of a time playing with Gizmo and the other dogs. He is such a happy chappie. He barked loudly when he needed to go out and he very quickly sussed out the layout of the house, including negotiating several steps much to our amazement and terror. He, literally, flung himself into everything and Pauline was scared witless by his bravery. It was obvious he was one clever and very determined cookie. It was hard not to adore him.
He loves people and dogs alike and makes up for his lack of sight with the most wonderful of natures. We decided that his name is definitely STEVIE WONDERFUL.
Chester, after whom he was named, has definitely been looking out for him from above and STEVIE, as he now is, has found the most WONDERFUL forever home in the Midlands with Alison, Tom and Golden Retriever brother Sam. Alison says, ” Stevie is doing well. He and Sam are starting to have a play together (quite rough as you predicted) and they are both worn out!!!”
STEVIE WONDER is definitely at home
A big thank you must go to DOGS TODAY magazine for featuring Irish Retriever Rescue because that is where Alison found out about us.
Stevie is such a love that his puppyish behaviour is really not a problem and it is nice that he feels he can play and be a pup as he has missed out on all this. He is definitely settling and getting into a routine too which is amazing after such a short space of time. He really is a wonder dog!!
FURTHER UPDATE (16.03.2007)
Stevie is doing brilliantly, he is virtually house trained now (the time spent outside waiting for him to go so I can reward are paying off). He has been a very early riser but last night slept until 6am (plus no longer barking when I shut him in the crate at night). His barking (which was pretty non-stop when he came) is reducing greatly and he seems much more settled. He is a real hit at school and enjoys being fussed over by scores of children. He still grabs at flapping (and sheepskin) coats, but I am getting better at anticipating (however his interest in a toy is very limited when more interesting stimulus around). He enjoys his two walks a day and now knows the route well plus he is starting to explore the garden more.

So all in all – doing amazingly well. I have started clicker training and am working on the sit – he is getting there gradually and I am happy to take it slowly.
ANOTHER UPDATE (19.03.2007)
Today Stevie had a lovely roll in the snow on his morning walk and seemed to have a great time. He is getting more adventurous in the garden and will have an explore, but still likes to keep near to me. When I am working in my office upstairs he tends to lie in the hall and sleep.
Stevie loves being cuddled and groomed (I am brushing him daily at the moment) and likes nothing better than to sit on your lap and be fussed. He also talks to us by making little noises when he is being stroked. He is also a very mischevious puppy and runs off with my scarves and slippers and puts his nose into everything he can.
I am doing short sessions of training every day – it is slow progress, but he seems to respond well to verbal cues rather than just clicker although I am persevering with it (I am no expert but I am just feeling my way). He knows leave and busy and go to bed and is starting to learn sit. I am not in any rush as I know it will all take time and the amount he is learning already is amazing. I also say noise before the vaccuum/washing machine/extractor etc go on so that he is cued for the fact there will be loud noise, which seems to help reassure him.
He is an amazing dog and I have been so impressed with him this week – it has been hard work but the way he has settled in has made it more than worthwhile. Everyone who meets him thinks he is wonderful and I have to agree.
Stevie agreed to be one of our brilliant Sponsor Dogs and has sent off his first card and update. We hope he raises lots of money to help other unwanted dogs like himself.
Alison told us “Dogs Today are going to print my letter and, hopefully, a pic of Stevie”.
His trainer wants us to work towards entering him in for a local fun agility competition next year. It would be weaves, tunnel and jumps (all of which he has attempted and been fine with as long as there is liver at the end). We both think it would be quite an achievement for him to take part and, again, be a bit of good publicity for disabled dogs in general. I also would like to put him forward as a PAT dog when he is a bit older as I think he would be perfect (and he would love the fuss).
Many thanks to all Stevie’s wonderful, loyal Sponsors:-
Hilary & Eric Wilson
Heather Forbes
Sandra Dalmeijer
Eleanor Life
Jenny Rolls
Thelma Murray
Kathryn Crofton
Wendy Rhymer
Anne Armitage
Alison Reaston
Joan Ronan
Pat May
David & Margaret Balaam
Nigel and Sue Lane
Pat Arnold
Callum Browne
Liz Palmer
Debbie Davies
Barbara Sayers
Sally Tooke
Laurel, Hardy, Charlie & Angel
Dave Knight
Mandy Richardson
Sue Protheroe
Yvonne Bould
Cheryl Murphy
Heather and Mark Screawn
Russell and Ellie Gray
Sharon Waters
Maura Coyle
Linda Kitt
Lisa Conetta
Joyce Godbeer
Georgia Lidyard
Stevie is still as wonderful as ever and has so far managed to eat one of my boots and Tom’s school shoe so I think he feels at home!! He is doing really well with his training too – just need to work on the ‘drop’ and ‘leave’ I think! Stevie is still doing really well. He now weighs about 27.8 kilos – a lot of which is muscle that the hydrotherapy is helping to build. When he first went, his back legs were quite thin and there was a 5cm difference between the left and right, in 10 sessions the muscles have evened out and he has put on about 8cm on the one leg!
All the effort on Alison’s part has clearly paid of as Stevie not only won his class for Male IRR Dog in Best Condition but he went on to take BEST IN SHOW. Well done Stevie and Alison!!!!!
Stevie was always one of the stars of the Annual Reunions when he demonstrated his amazing ability to do agility often better than sighted dogs. This was totally down to Alison’s dedicated, positive training.
Stevie continues to be a huge ambassador for Irish Retriever Rescue and for dogs with disabilities. He is featured in the September issue of Dogs Today magazine. This time he has two pages and three pics.
Having already been featured in Dogs Today magazine some time ago, he then had a wonderful article about him in the July edition of Your Dog magazine. Well done to Stevie and Alison for highlighting the capabilities of disabled and rescue dogs. All being well, you will see Stevie in action at the 2008 Reunion.
We were also delighted to find out that Sam and Stevie’s wonderful trainer, Ann-Marie, has qualified as reserve for the GB team at the world agility championships. Many congratulations. Only the very best for our Stevie.
FURTHER UPDATE (February 2011)
Alison says. “Stevie still continues to amaze us with his sweet nature, his zest for life and willingness to try new things.

He still loves his agility, which is great exercise for him as it helps with the mobility problems he has with his legs caused by him being locked up for so long as a pup. We forget that he is blind as he does everything his golden brother, Sam, does and has a complete lack of fear. His fits are thankfully under control with daily medication, but his epilepsy can sometimes cause him to have accidents in the house and he can get a bit confused at times. He also has to have regular blood tests to check the medication isn’t affecting his liver. Luckily, he loves going to the vets as they always give him a biscuit!
We do have to keep a close eye on him at all times though as his escapades have included escaping from our cottage when we were on holiday and going for a little wander down the main road and, more recently, trying to eat three months’ supply of his epilepsy medication (and the bottle!) in one go. Luckily, no harm was done but his medicine has been added to the list of things we have to keep away from Stevie. This list includes shoes, boots, scarves, bags, tissues, jumpers, pens, clothes pegs, toilet rolls, all items of food (including the fruit bowl), Christmas cards, plants, fresh soil……
He is a wonderful dog who charms everyone he meets and we absolutely love him to bits.”
Alison said: “Stevie has had a recurring infection in his empty eye socket and has been wearing a lampshade collar for a couple of weeks now to stop him scratching at it and causing more problems! We’re all covered in bruises too as a blind dog in a lampshade is not the best combination and he just careers around the place bashing into everything. He is on painkillers so he is not in any pain, but I do feel sorry for him as he is obviously finding it all a bit confusing… He is very happy going backwards and forwards to the vets though as they always give him a biscuit!
On 31 May, the vet operated and found some necrotic tissue within the eye socket (it was pigmented and had hair growing out of it – his eyes are such a strange structure!!) which has been removed – unfortunately he had to have two operations as there was a problem with bleeding after the first and they had to go back in and deal with some blood vessels. He has a part-shaved head, six stitches and is very confused – poor thing. The good news is there is no evidence it has gone into the bone.
In mid June, Stevie had his stitches out and the lampshade collar came off. He is back to his old happy self again – although he is having to be a bit careful as the whiskers and hairs around his eye socket were shaved off so it is harder for him to judge where things are on that side. He is coping well though as usual.
His eye has healed really well but his mobility has suffered, probably due to the weeks he spent not doing much walking while he was ill and then recovering from the op. He is going on anti-inflammatories to see if that helps and so I can start building up his walks again – at the moment he won’t do more than about 5 mins without stopping and sitting down and refusing to move. I am hoping that the anti-inflammatories combined with regular very short walks will do the trick…he needs to be able to walk to the beach every day when we go to Devon in a month’s time and he is a bit too big and heavy to carry!!!
Excellent news – Stevie has got his mojo back!! A course of anti-inflammatories, lots of very short walks and our lovely agility trainer/friend Anne-Marie allowing me to use her private field every day to give Stevie his confidence and enjoyment of movement back has helped Stevie tremendously. In fact he went on his normal walk for the first time yesterday and managed it without having to stop for a rest once. Here is a photo of him now – his eye is healed beautifully, his fur is growing back and he has started smiling again.”

Once again, Stevie has shown us what a brave little trooper he is in facing and overcoming yet another challenge to his health. We are all very proud of this very special boy.