Chippy Julius

28.9.1990 – 29.6.2004
Chippy was born on 28th September 1990 and came to live with us in January 1993, having had 4 previous homes. I promised him he would never have to suffer another move. He would be loved and cared for with all the devotion we could give him. He cared for us as much as we did for him, and gave us so much love, strength, happiness and joy for the rest of his all too short life.

When Chippy started living with us he not only had to get used to a new way of life, but also had to cope with my husband who was very ill. Chippy soon showed he was a gentle, intelligent, extremely adaptable, patient and independent carer. When people and children, who had disliked or feared dogs, met Chippy they fell in love with him. When he visited the elderly and infirmed he always left them feeling better.
I had never lived with a dog before and had never enjoyed walking. Chippy taught me the joys of walking in all weathers, watching all forms of wild life and appreciating all elements of nature. He reminded me of the true beauty in the world and showed me how to find inner peace. I was always happy being with him – enjoying the things he enjoyed and going to places he liked. Feeling and seeing his pleasure and happiness, from the simplest things in life, made me feel so blessed and grateful.
I was devastated when he passed peacefully away on June 29th 2004. I shall forever be grateful to Chippy for everything he gave to me, all that he taught me and, most of all, for his love which will be with me for the rest of my life.
Chippy was the JOY in my life, the LOVE in my heart and the PEACE in my soul
Rest easy sweet Chippy
Love Maxine