Cody Smith

Gone to Rainbow Bridge


Went to Rainbow Bridge on 25 / 5 / 2007

Julia said, we had the worst news possible regarding Cody last week. He has leukaemia. It is apparently an aggressive form, which is in the advanced stages, so, unfortunately, there is nothing we can do. He is on steroids at the moment, but this is only a short term solution, as the vet is afraid is will do more harm to his other organs. Although he seems OK in himself, he is going through weak phases. The other night he was struggling to breathe properly and yesterday he was shivering even though it was hot down here.

We love the boy so much and do not want to put him through any more pain, so we have taken the decision to have him put to sleep on Friday. The vet is coming to our house, so he will be there, in my arms until the end.

We just want to thank everyone for all their help in allowing us to have Cody, even if it was for only 5 short months. We will never forget him. He will always be Dave & my first dog. Thanks for your wishes when he was ill as well, it means a lot to us.

Although Dave and I will get another dog soon, we dont want one for a while as it will seem that we are trying to replace Cody and he is irreplaceable.

Dave has written a poem about him:

Our handsome duke, our golden boy, so full of life, so full of joy.
When walking him we felt so proud, a love forever, life, we vowed.
Safe journey Cody, with all your charm. In heaven Cody, no pain no harm.
Be free our friend, always adored. But why so soon you take him Lord?

Hello there, my name is Cody and Ive been asked to write a few words about my new life in Epsom.

Back in mid-December, I was spending my days with Andy and his Mum, when one Saturday morning two new people entered my life. Julia and Dave had come to take me to my forever home and would be my new Mum & Dad. I was on best behaviour but after a brisk walk and a lengthy chat the two strangers thankfully took a gamble on an old fella like me and off I went in their car.

I’ve settled into my new house nicely. I have free reign of all the downstairs and garden and have claimed the sofa as my territory, but the stairs are a bit steep for my legs. The house backs onto the common but more about my adventures in there later!!

Xmas was fun. A brief stop in Derby was followed by a few days in Scotland. I had many walks along the river and lots of cuddles from all of Mums family. Grandad even let me lick the turkey plate clean and my new Auntie Charlotte bought me a big bag of treats and some goodies from Grandma Smith. It was over far too quickly but New Year was round the corner and Mum and Dad promised me another trip away. We spent a long weekend in a nice dog-friendly hotel in Malvern where I was centre of attention with all guests. Dad even took me on a midnight stroll to welcome in the New Year.

Mum and Dad were back to work in January and I’ve settled in to a routine. First walk of the day is at 6.15am (which is a bit early for me!) and then it’s back to the house for breakfast and bed. Mum rudely wakes me at midday when she returns from work for lunch and a walk…I often meet other dogs at this time and recently played with an attractive female golden retriever…she was a beauty but a bit too energetic for an old fella like me.

The evening walk is great fun. There are foxes everywhere which I have a good bark at, but all the noise in the world doesn’t seem to shift these pesky creatures. If only Mum and Dad would let me at ‘em!! We often meet Dad at the train station where Mum and I watch the world go by. Weekends equal water. Mum and Dad take me to the woods and often to an area with a secluded pond where I can bound around to my heart’s content – hope you like the pictures!

I am enjoying my new life and have even put on a little weight, but so did Dad over Xmas! I still miss Andy and his Mum but am looking forward to hopefully seeing them at the September reunion and will be forever grateful for all their help in finding me my new home.

You gave me a home when I thought nobody cared, you took me into your life and your love I shared.
Sadly we didn’t have very long together, but we had our walks whatever the weather.
You have both been so very good, and I would have stayed if only I could.
We have given each other so much pleasure, and the memories are there for you to treasure.
Please don’t be sad I will always stay close by, you will feel my presence and perhaps hear me sigh.
One day I know we will meet again, and I hope knowing this will help ease your pain.
I will be your golden light; I am the star that shines so bright.
Thank you again for all you have both done, I know to you I was a very special son.

Lots of Love