
Cody is a 7 year old golden coloured, castrated Golden Retriever with a bounding personality, and like most Goldens, he is seriously affectionate. He has that wonderful character often shown by dogs who have never been loved.
Well, the inevitable has happened again. Another cunning foster dog has wormed his way into the affections of his fosterers. This time it was Marilyn and Malcolm who fell under the spell of Cody and have decided to adopt him. They sum it up “ We have been through so much with Cody since that early morning 5.30am pick up in Holyhead 3 weeks ago so how could we possibly ever let him go.
We have been very proud of him and of how he has coped with settling in to our family at the same time as being “put under the knife” and we feel he has chosen us to be his forever home.
We also think that he will be a good foster brother in the future as he is very calm, relaxed and affectionate.
Thank you all so much for giving us this opportunity to welcome Cody in to our home”.
Cody came from the CSPCA (Cork Society of Cruelty to Animals). As soon as IRR was made aware that the CSPCA had a Golden Retriever, Vincent, the Dog warden was called. Apparently, the C.S.P.C.A. had re-homed Cody three years previously but the new owners let him wander, straying constantly near heavy trafficked roads, which meant he was sent back to them numerous times.
His owners had obviously neither the interest nor inclination to change their attitudes towards Cody and, finally, he was surrendered because he was ‘just a dog’. Vincent is a brilliant Dog Warden with whom IRR are lucky enough to work and are equally privileged to know. There are also numerous lovely people in Ireland who keep an eye on rescue and pound websites for Goldens and Golden X’s for Kathryn.
When IRR was informed about Cody, Kathryn was onto Vincent in a shot. The conversation went:- ‘Vincent? You have a Golden?’ ‘I was wondering how long it was going to take you to ring!’ ‘Can we get him?’ ‘Delighted, thought you would never ask. Now, you won’t forget to send pictures?’ ‘Word of honour, Vincent, you know all our dogs go to great homes.’
As Cody came in vaccinated and neutered, the donation fee was gladly paid to the CSPCA charity who do great work.
LEADWALKING: Cody is a strong boy. He can walk well on the lead but he can also pull at a ferocious pace, something akin to a train!. Fortunately, once he is out for a walk, he calms down.
RECALL: His recall is good, provided you have a ball, then he will run any distance to get it.
GROOMING and the VET: He was groomed by Kathryn who said “Cody was a dream to groom although we think he must have descended from Peter Rabbit as he wriggles about like one. This sweet boy was also very good when the vet gave him his health check.
TRAVEL: He is great in the car
CHILDREN: According to his previous home, he is supposedly good with children
DOGS: He is brilliant with other dogs and has helped many IRR dogs during his time in kennels and foster.
Kathryn said “He longs for a home where he can be loved and where he can be cherished like no other. Cody is fine to be placed as an only dog as long as he has access to other dogs. He would be best suited to a couple with previous Golden experience, perhaps, who are retired, who have lots of love and patience with a somewhat older boy, who hasn’t ever really been given that all important chance. Whether near the coastal or country environment, he would do equally well as long as he has constant companionship. Well, Cody, IRR is on the hunt for that perfectly fabulous forever home for you and we won’t rest till we find it!”