
Conor, a beautiful Golden Retriever/Red Setter X of around 2 yrs old was picked up as a stray and not reclaimed from the Pound, so after his 5 days were up, came into the care of IRR. He has since had a full medical check-up and was neutered in Ireland before travelling to the UK.
Simon W says: At first Conor air-snapped at 2 of my dogs (nothing serious) although within a couple of days this behaviour stopped. He is a little territorial of his food where other dogs are concerned (typical of a stray) but will let us take food out of the bowl. He has no idea how to play but as time passes he seems to be learning how to behave from my other dogs. Initially he would growl with a toy if he put it down and another dog went to get it but within a couple of days he allowed my dogs to retrieve toys without a problem. Conor also seems quite nervous to different noises around him so we doubt if he has lived in a home before. Conor really is a lovely natured dog, so very friendly, and responds/learns quite quickly too with his training so far.
We feel Conor would be better suited being re-homed to a family without dogs, or at least with someone who has experience and knows how to train dogs. To sum Conor up he could do with further training especially on a lead and is fully house trained (unless you include getting on the sofa without invitation as you lose your place very quickly)!!