Crochet Rainbows

Many congratulations and an enormous “thank you” to Jess Dines and Kerrie Prentice who have, between them, as of 1 May 2020, raised £800 for IRR by making and selling crochet rainbows.
Well done ladies, absolutely brilliant!
Inspired by the recent displays of rainbows in support of our NHS, the ladies have made crochet versions with either tassels or pom poms on the bottom.
These can be displayed to both show support for the NHS and raise much needed funds for IRR.
The Rainbows put smiles on everyone’s faces (especially the children) so that, alone, makes them something very special.
It would, of course, be really good to have a small donation of £5 for IRR but we would be just as happy to think another animal charity would benefit as the majority are suffering badly because of the CV situation.
eg check out Hillside Animal Sanctuary or the Donkey Sanctuary or an overseas rescues like Animals Asia and, you will see, they all have major problems. Every tiny rescue is struggling and is in danger folding.
Generally, the larger ‘mainstream’ animal charities have enough funds to get through this difficult time and this applies to human charities too.
Every hospice seems to be desperate for donations.
At IRR, the Rainbows have proved incredibly popular and orders have had to be limited to keep up with demand.
For information on ordering, please visit our Facebook page.
Calling all crocheters (pronounced CROWSHAY as opposed to CROTTICH which sounds rather rude).
Demand for the Rainbows has been exceptionally high and the IRR girls would be grateful for any help, however small.
Apparently, it’s really easy to get started and, even if you only ever make one Heath Robinson rainbow, to hang in your own window, then, it’s probably as good, if not better, then banging a drum for the NHS.
If you get really good, be prepared, because every kid in the neighbourhood will want one!
- I never learned to crochet – Now is a perfect time to learn. There is a wealth of free instructions online, YouTube is a great place to start.
- I don’t have crochet hooks – Hooks are reasonably inexpensive and sets can be purchased from Amazon. Alternatively, you may have something already in the house that you can use as a substitute: chopsticks, dowel rods, pencils, or even your fingers!
- I don’t have any / all the colours of the rainbow – Not a problem. OK, ideally, the rainbows are rainbow coloured but it is not essential so no excuses about wool. Dare to be different! I guarantee, your polka dot and striped rainbows will be in even greater demand than the standard conventional ones.