Digby Reader-Hoer

Gone to Rainbow Bridge


Fly with the angels to Rainbow Bridge sweet boy and give your sister Cleo a cuddle from us xxxxxxxxxxx


On Thursday 1st December 2016, we said a final goodbye to our wonderful Digby. Our lovely vet, Paul, came to us at home and we were all there with him (Mark, Delphi, Rocky, Thomas the cat and, of course, me). It was very peaceful as he slipped away with his head on my lap.

This very sad news has left Digby’s army of fans extremely sad and Tracey and Mark devastated but, at least, we knew he had gone to be with his good friend Cleo.


On the morning of Thursday, 1st December, Digby took a turn for the worse and Tracey and Mark had to make the awful decision to have him put to sleep.

The anti-inflammatory drug that his vet, Paul, had used on Tuesday to settle him down had worn off and they were back to square one with him crying and in quite a lot of distress.  He was just weeing all the time on his bed and laying in it, which was upsetting him being the proud boy he was.  Although he had managed to poo, he cried and moaned whilst doing it so something clearly wasn’t right inside and he had got so weak in the last few days that  they were really just carrying him around everywhere. He spent all the time on his bed, unable to move himself. This wasn’t Digby. They tried everything they could but their wonderful boy had reached the end of his road. Tracey said “Luckily Paul came to us at home, I got Mark home from work and we were all with him (Delphi, Rocky, even Thomas the cat came in too).  He had his head on my lap and it was very peaceful and he looked at peace afterwards.

He had been in decline for a while if we are honest. We had been clutching at straws (what else can you do really).  The special collar arrived a few weeks ago but didn’t really make much difference and I really think his body was giving up.  The hardest thing was that he still looked alert and was eating but those two things didn’t really make up for everything that was giving up. 

Paul said it was good that he looked alert, because it meant we hadn’t left it too late and he hadn’t tipped over the edge and suffered but he did point out how sunken his face was and Mark and I had only commented on that the other night when he was poorly.  Also the cysts were the worst they have ever been, not too many on his beautiful face thank goodness but hundreds of small pea like ones under the skin.

I am bereft and numb and can’t believe my beautiful boy has gone.  Last week I bought him a really lovely Orvis memory foam bed. It arrived just after he was put to sleep so, would you believe it, he never got to try it

People have been wonderful and we would like to thank everyone for their kind and beautiful messages. It made us realise how special our wonderful boy was not just to us but to scores of other people too”.    Digby was a wonderful ambassador for IRR and especially for disabled dogs. His family have always been very loyal supporters and were happy to share Digby as a much valued Sponsor Dog from the idea’s inception. We can only mourn with Tracey and family, send them our heartfelt sympathies, offer them support and thank them for giving Digby the most fantastic 9 years of happiness, love and complete devotion.

Fly with the angels to Rainbow Bridge sweet boy and give your sister Cleo a cuddle from us  xxxxxxxxxxx


(Poem written by Aunty Wendy on his behalf)

Thank you for adopting me and giving me such a loving home,
I was so happy living with you all that I would never roam.
Auntie Pauline fostered me and Stevie and showed us that she cared,
She treated us like her family her love and kindness we shared.

You rescued so many animals and gave them all a home,
We all got on together and they too would never roam.
I have met up with dear Cleo,my friend once again,
We run and play together and we feel no pain.

When we first met, I loved you from the start,
You picked me up and took me home and placed me in your heart.
Good times we had together, we shared all life could throw,
but years passed all too quickly, my time has come to go.

I know how much you miss me; I know your heart is sore,
I see the tears that fall when I'm not waiting by the door.
You always did your best for me; your love was plain to see,
For even though it broke your heart, you set my spirit free.

My body's gone but I'm always near, I'm everything you feel, see or hear,
My spirit is free, but I'll never depart, as long as you keep me alive in your heart.
Thank you for everything you have done,
I couldn't have wished for a better Mum.

Lots of Love Digby xxx


Sadly, Digby had been having more bad days than good ones and each “episode” had just left him weaker.  He had been suffering with cysts but, as his vital force was, clearly, low, we hadn’t done anything about them this time, except for using a very small dose of a remedy my Homeopathic Vet had given me. Using anything stronger would have just wiped him out. 

I had just been bathing the cysts and keeping them clean.  He had so many and you have to wonder why they were happening. As our vet said, if he had all those on the outside who knows what was going on inside and better out than in. This could have been the reason why he had problems in the last few days of his life.

Our vet, Paul, said it was a testament to the care and love he was given that he had gone on for so long, but I also believe it was his time and there was nothing else we could have done other than make that final decision to let him go, as heart breaking as it was.


It was way back in 2007 that we adopted Digby and he came to live with us. His age was not known for sure but we always thought he was nearer to 3yrs than 2yrs as he was so beautifully mature when we got him and he, immediately, became our very special boy. Cleo helped him to settle and showed him the ropes. We feel privileged to have known him and it has been an absolute pleasure and joy to have shared our lives with him.


Digby was unique and our first disabled dog, not that we remembered that most of the time as he was so able on 3 legs and continued to be so until really very late on in his life. People would look at him and not even notice his missing front left leg because he was so handsome.   We miss him so much, our lives revolved around him completely so much so that, for ages, I was I still getting 3 food bowls out of the cupboard to do 3 dinners (silly the routines we get into).

I put his harness, collar, the lovely purple collar (minus the beautiful healing stone of course) and the Streamz collar (minus the magic bit in the middle) into the washing machine. We decided to give Rocky the lovely purple collar, as his blue IRR one had broken and we also gave him the Streamz collar too, as we knew it couldn’t do him any harm. He is a lovely boy and, like Digby, he is so good with the cats. The cats and dogs often snuggle up together. In fact, all the animals love a good snooze.

Our house is always full of rescued animals and Digby was good with them all even the sheep, ponies, bunnies and chooks. Dear old Rocky is too!


Our house became very quiet without Digby. He was always so vocal but, especially so when he was older and had to bark for us to help him get up or go out or come into the kitchen for dinner.  He never did lose his appetite, apart from the Tuesday morning when he was in so much discomfort and Paul (our vet) came to give him a check up and some meds. Even then, later that day, he was back eating again. Looking back, this reassures me we didn’t leave him too long and we know he didn’t suffer, thank goodness


He was our introduction to the wonderful world of IRR and what a lovely world it is!  It is full of so many kind and thoughtful people and we were completely overwhelmed by all the lovely messages we received about Digby – he really was one very popular boy!  Mark sat and read them all to me one night as we sat with a glass of wine and he was really taken aback by all the lovely comments.  For sure, there were ever so many broken hearts! 

 We can never thank IRR enough for giving us the opportunity, nearly 10 wonderful years before, of re-homing our wonderful Digby and we were so grateful to his fosterer, Pauline, for all she did for Digby, for being at the end of the email in times of trouble and heartache and for quietly letting everybody know about his passing.  You were then and always have been a complete rock and anyone who knows you will second that!

After we lost Digby, we looked forward to seeing all our IRR friends at the next dog meet and although, of course, we knew it would be difficult, being our first Get Together without our Mr Marvellous, we knew everyone would rally round which, of course, they did as just as our lovely IRR friends had done back in 2013 when we lost Cleo.

Digby and Delphi, by then, were already good friends and we were so pleased we had made the decision to adopt her whilst Cleo was still with us which meant she was there to ease Digby (and us) through Cleo’s loss.


In the same way, when Digby was still with us, but starting to struggle, it was a no-brainer to adopt the delightful old boy that is Rocky. Then, after Digby had to leave us, Rocky and Delphi continued to enjoy meeting up with their friends in the way that Cleo and Digby always had and, of course, since then, our crazy but lovely Otto has joined our little gang to make us three again.


Digby had many other friends who were disabled too …… Belinda and Terry’s partially sighted Vinnie, Pauline’s deaf and partially sighted Sprocket, Kerrigan and Jason’s Archie, Romy and Bizzi and partially sighted Starlight, Phil’s Duke and his sisters, Maisie and Summer. Lynn’s totally blind Alex. Sadly, like Digby who is on the right with me, several of these lovely dogs, are now at Rainbow Bridge

The Get Togethers are a good excuse for people to gossip and have picnics (whatever the weather) and for dogs to socialise and run free together safely.

TIME FOR A SNACK (1.11.2015)


Our family have always been willing to help raise much needed funds for IRR so we didn’t hesitate when asked if we could put on a walk down here in Devon as part of PAWS ACROSS THE SEA 2010, an initiative which was the brainchild of Supergizz (as he is known to his friends).

It was on Sunday 28-11-2010 at 11.00am that our walk started from the Catherine Wheel in Hemyock with Team Leader, Digby and his band of followers putting their best paws and feet forward to walk for Irish Retriever Rescue.


Another way in which we helped IRR was by allowing Digby to become a very much loved sponsor dog and then encouraging Delphi and Rocky to follow in his pawsteps.

He was one of the very first Sponsor Dogs and, of course, together with blind Stevie the first disabled ones.

People seemed to love hearing about Digby’s home and being told the latest news on all the other animals that they had come to know and love over the years. 

In the first pic, I suspect, he was tired after typing up his quarterly pupdate and, in the second, no doubt, he felt he had definitely earned a reward for his hard work.

His brother, Rocky, was very happy to take over Digby’s Sponsor Dog duties. He knew he has huge paw to fill but we knew he would do his best and, for sure, he would have the able assistance of his sister Delphi who is already an experienced Sponsor Dog herself.

Digby was a beautiful dog, in both looks and temperament, who, unfortunately had simply lost a leg. He had never let his disability bother him although it was clearly the reason why he was abandoned. Digby found a wonderful forever home together with lots of other lucky rescued animals and he has been totally adored by everyone. Digby was very happy to be a sponsor dog on behalf of all the other dogs who have been abandoned because they are no longer considered to be perfect any more and he knew that money he raised would help pay for other dogs like him to be released from cold, lonely pounds, to be transported to the UK, to be treated by vets for any problems they may have and, finally, to end up in wonderful homes just like he did for 9 happy years.

Many thanks to everyone who kindly sponsored him.

Hilary & Eric Wilson
Tom Phipps
Sandra Dalmeijer
Frank Guaschi
Pat Arnld
Renate Nunn
Rosie Bowers
Sue Bugden
Graham Tooke
Thelma Murray
Jessica Osborne
Kathryn Crofton
Laurel, Hardy, Charlie & Angel
Megan Perry
Eleanor Life
Dana Payne
Dennis Lee
Miriam Shaheen
Dr Larry Roberts
Rebecca O’Sullivan
Lauren Fensome

Jean Loftus
Camilla Pywell
Amy Wilson
Bill MacGregor
Diane Killington
Edna Russell
June and Paddy Wheat
Sue Morgan
Jack Rowland
Gillian Preedy
Mavis Noakes
Peter Hill
Sue Protheroe
Chloe Reynolds
Megan Frost
Chris Hoer
Karen Reader
Freddie Lidyard
Amy Wilson
Camilla Pywell
Alex McCartney
Clare Wilson


At the Annual Reunions, we had a special parade of all the Sponsor Dogs and then, afterwards, we did a Meet and Greet with the general public some of whom actually sponsored our dogs. Of course, Digby’s fans were always delighted to meet him in the flesh.

Apart from both Digby and Stevie always being great hits they both went home with pawfuls of rosettes having swept the board of prizes.

After he passed, I had the unenviable task of having to write to all his sponsors to let them know. I had prepared them in his last update so I hoped it wouldn’t have come as too much of a shock. 

That was when Rocky stepped into the role and took over the reins but, of course, he had big boots to fill. I knew it meant we could keep helping IRR in our own small way. It seemed the right thing to do and, of course, Digby’s loyal sponsors were happy with the change whilst being very upset to hear the sad news.

My boss, very kindly, has always made all the sponsor cards (birthday and Christmas) for us.

He loved Digby and always used the word “majestic” to describe him.

I have to say, Digby was one beautiful dog!  I know I am biased but he really was one of the most handsome dogs I have ever met. Rocky is also handsome, but in a different way.


My boss was right, Digby was majestic and we adored him. He was an angel on Earth and now he a Golden angel in Heaven.


DEL BOY as he was originally called was an adorable Golden Retriever aged about 2 to 3yrs back in 2007. He got on very well with Pauline and Steve’s other dogs and had a new best friend in CHESTER who became Stevie.

He was very gentle and handsome and trotted along happily (hence his name, Del Boy Trotter). Steve was less complimentary and insisted on calling him TRIPOD much to Pauline’s annoyance!

He was so handsome, we suspected he could even be a Show Dog who had got out and then lost his front left leg, probably in a road accident.

He was castrated and a slightly damaged tooth was removed to save future problems. Despite the discomfort, he still smiled his way through it all with the waggiest of tails.

Pauline said “He really is a love. He is in no way disabled and can keep up very happily with the rest of the dogs. He could live very happily with another dog but he is such a contented boy that he would probably be just as happy as an only dog. Here he is with another foster dog, SPIRIT, who he adored”.


Finding the perfect home was difficult because IRR wanted only the very best for this wonderful boy and they knew immediately they had found it when Tracey sent in her application form.

So certain was Pauline, she went down to Devon to do the homecheck and took DIGBY as he became (so much more dignified and the perfect name for him). She knew he wouldn’t be going back with her.


Tracey said “Digby is settling in well in his lovely country home in Devon. He has already met new doggy friends

This was from Sunday night, when Digby met Cousin Barley and they all played together”.

DIGBY is continuing to settle in well and seems very laid back and relaxed about life in general.

Progress with Roger (the cat) is slow but sure and we are just doing little and often at the moment. Bramble (the other cat) has stayed upstairs well out of the way for the moment, but this is nothing unusual.

He met a squirrel out for a walk yesterday and this was highly exciting, largely helped by sister Cleo’s enthusiasm (she loves them too!). He does not seem bothered by pheasants when we meet them out, but little birds seem to attract his attention when they land on the road in front of us out for a walk. Went on a different route yesterday, up a green lane, which was quite muddy. Had to wash them when we got home and was delighted to find him very good with this and also being dried off afterwards. He leans against you, so you can pick up his feet – brilliant!


Well, it is almost a week since Digby arrived and it seems like he has always been here. He is already completely a member of the family.

We have had great progress with Roger in the last couple of days, with him and Digby finally touching. Digby does still get excited now and then and barks at him sometimes, but Roger has boxed him around the nose once or twice and I think Digby respects him more for that. The meetings are still done under supervision, but they are together all evening now and in fact yesterday Bramble even came down and joined us, so that’s the whole (indoor) family together, which was lovely.

Mark and I were commenting on Digbys good behaviour last night and how well he has just slotted in to our family life. He is absolutely adorable and everyone who meets him comments on how handsome he is. It is like he and Cleo have always been together, which is wonderful.

Thank you so much for allowing us to adopt him


Digby is completely settled in now and it is amazing that over the last few weeks he seems to have realised that this is his forever home and he is not going to moved on again. As a consequence, this really quite cheeky character is coming out, not a naughty one, just a really cheeky and quite chatty side to him that was not there before. He seems totally relaxed in being himself now and we are absolutely delighted with him.

Mark and I took him and Cleo down to Beer beach a few weeks ago for the afternoon. We were a little concerned as to how Digby would cope with the big pebbles on the beach, but we need not have worried, as he was his usual I dont know I have 3 legs self and just steamrollered across them to the sea, where he went swimming (on the extending lead, just in case). Cleo has never been swimming all the time we have had her, but because Digby went in so she followed him straight in and they were swimming together, which was lovely.

It was the first time we had ever had him in a really crowded place and peoples reactions to him were quite amazing. Most of the time it was ahh, accompanied by a sympathetic look, but sometimes there was a look of complete shock or horror, which Mark and I found annoying more than anything. We thought the children were the funniest, as they almost all did a double take and then rushed up to Mummy or Daddy to say Mummy/Daddy that doggie only has 3 legs, to which the parents would turn around and have a good look too. Everybody loves him though, helped by his massively handsome good looks and all we meet want to fuss him. Poor Cleo gets quite left out sometimes, so she just barges her way in as if to say don’t forget about me.


Things with Digby are going brilliantly.  He is the dearest of dogs and has really come into his own now, with quite a cheeky little character and he charms everyone he meets.
He had a huge moult back at the end of May/beginning of June and all his handsome locks disappeared, but thankfully it is all grew back and I think is magnificent once more.  Anyway, that was only his looks …… his character was still as beautiful as ever.
Digby and Cleo are the best of friends.  They just play and play and play!  She really seems totally smitten by him and he by her and its like they have always been together.
Digby and Roger (the cat) are also best buddies now and Roger often lays in the lounge with them during the mornings before I come home at lunchtime.  He will sleep in an armchair and Digby is usually on the sofa!
My brother was down with Cousin Barley, who is now a huge hulk of a young male retriever and the 3 of them just played wonderfully together.  They had a tendency to move all the lounge furniture during their bundles, obviously to make more of a play area for themselves!  Garry has actually decided to have Barley neutered, as he is getting far too interested in bitches and Cleo is unfortunately no exception. 
Digby completely knows the routine here now and loves running around the field, chasing rabbits, pheasants or whatever!  It is great that they are totally secure and can enjoy a good run around safely.  He has got the stream down to an art and goes in the water at any and every opportunity.  His recall is terrible and he seems to have caught Cleo’s cloth ear syndrome, despite me working on this.  We walk them on extending leads, as Cleo would run off after the first small furry thing and Digby would follow.  Also, we’ve round recently that Digby has started having a bit of a go at white vans???  Don’t know if some memory is coming back.  Anyway, we just feel they are safer on the leads when out and about and they have all the freedom they need down in the field, so it’s the best solution we feel.
We took them down to Beer about a month or so ago and wondered how Digby would cope on the big pebbly beach, but typical Digby just strode straight over them down to the sea and looked at us as if to say ‘come on, what are you waiting for?’  He loved all the attention (of which he gets masses), although a few just give him a pitied look.
We had to take Digby to the vet recently, as he had been bitten by a tick, it had fallen off and left its jaws in him.  Then he went off his food after a few days (not like him) and was really miserable and he had contracted a blood infection from it.  We were given a 5 day course of antibiotics for him (a bit against the grain, but we felt it necessary) and he was right as rain after a few days. 

We saw the Senior vet and he was absolutely fascinated with his scar and the operation he had had.  He said that they have only ever removed the entire scapula a couple of times and he said he must have really been badly damaged for the vet to have done that.  It would have been a major op and cost an awful lot of money. 

He was really impressed with his balance (and Digby demonstrated this by putting his front feet up on a chair in the surgery) and was almost in awe of him.  It was really nice to get this feedback and a bit of history of what he must have gone through.  He said his balance was superb, especially the way he adopted a tripod stance whilst sitting and concluded that he probably didn’t fall over much (which he doesn’t).   He said in the long run he was better off having a front limb amputation, as they get less arthritis in the front than the back and he was young enough to cope without it.
The only thing we find is he does tend to roll around a bit in the car, mainly because a 4 legged dog can of course steady themselves in the front, which he can’t.  We have decided we’re going to get a van (hopefully a VW Transporter – didn’t you have one of these?) and get some proper kennels made for the back.  We think he and Cleo would travel much better this way, so this is something we hope to sort out in the future.


The photos are from the people who owned the four Golden Retrievers that we met at Dalswinton.

The photos are of Digby and Travis (the one he looked like) and then Digby after falling in the pond.

DIGBY & FRIENDS (December 2008)

At this time of year, with the woodburner on in the evenings, all four are curled up around it!


Digby is well and enjoying his life to the full as usual.  Our sheep had lambs in the spring (not planned – they jumped in with next doors Rams!) and we’ve had fun and games getting Digby used to them.  He still chases them if the mood takes him, but it is more out of devilment than anything else – he wouldn’t hurt them – just enjoys the run!   We’ve also been adopted by another cat, Thomas, who looks like he’s come to stay, so the numbers are now up to 23!

They are both having quite a big moult at the moment. Digby is in lovely condition but Cleo is not looking so good so I hope her coat starts to grow back again soon.  We are looking forward to the Reunion and really enjoy it, although I can’t believe we will do as well as we did last year (Cleo won Reserve Best Veteran!) and we had rosettes and goodies coming out of our ears! 


On the morning of Thursday, 1st December, Digby took a turn for the worse and Tracey and Mark had to make the awful decision to have him put to sleep. This very sad news has left Digby’s army of fans extremely sad and Tracey and Mark devastated.

The anti-inflammatory drug that his vet, Paul, had used on Tuesday to settle him down had worn off and they were back to square one with him crying and in quite a lot of distress.  He was just weeing all the time on his bed and laying in it, which was upsetting him being the proud boy he was.  Although he had managed to poo, he cried and moaned whilst doing it so something clearly wasn’t right inside and he had got so weak in the last few days that  they were really just carrying him around everywhere.

He spent all the time on his bed, unable to move himself. This wasn’t Digby. They tried everything they could but their wonderful boy had reached the end of his road. Tracey said “Luckily Paul came to us at home, I got Mark home from work and we were all with him (Delphi, Rocky, even Thomas the cat came in too).  He had his head on my lap and it was very peaceful and he looked at peace afterwards.

He had been in decline for a while if we are honest. We had been clutching at straws (what else can you do really).  The special collar arrived a few weeks ago but didn’t really make much difference and I really think his body was giving up.  The hardest thing was that he still looked alert and was eating but those two things didn’t really make up for everything that was giving up. 

Paul said it was good that he looked alert, because it meant we hadn’t left it too late and he hadn’t tipped over the edge and suffered but he did point out how sunken his face was and Mark and I had only commented on that the other night when he was poorly.  Also the cysts were the worst they have ever been, not too many on his beautiful face thank goodness but hundreds of small pea like ones under the skin.

I am bereft and numb and can’t believe my beautiful boy has gone.  Last week I bought him a really lovely Orvis memory foam bed. It arrived just after he was put to sleep so, would you believe it, he never got to try it

People have been wonderful and we would like to thank everyone for their kind and beautiful messages. It made us realise how special our wonderful boy was not just to us but to scores of other people too”.   

Digby was a wonderful ambassador for IRR and especially for disabled dogs. His family have always been very loyal supporters and were happy to share Digby as a much valued Sponsor Dog from the idea’s inception. We can only mourn with Tracey and family, send them our heartfelt sympathies, offer them support and thank them for giving Digby the most fantastic 9 years of happiness, love and complete devotion.
