Dolly Dracup

Dolly (The Doll Doll) is a little girl with a big character. Nigel says “She is full of energy and shows a lot of Collie traits. She loves to chase swans and bark at cattle hoping they will run for her to pursue. We have to be very aware around livestock but she is improving all the time. Dolly has a very high pitched piercing bark when excited, especially when we arrive home, thankfully the neighbours seem to be very understanding.
She has fitted into the pack nicely and plays a lot with Bela. She is a bit over excitable with Floss when off the lead although she will eventually settle down. She loves to be cuddled, usually jumping on your lap and leaning into you for attention. She loves to settle down with her Romanian sisters, Bela and Maisy although Floss prefers her own space.
Despite some of the usual frustrating dog habits she has, Dolly is a wonderful pretty little girl with a big heart. We love her very much and are sure she is very happy and content with us all.
Dolly’s Mum, Bella, was surrendered in Ireland due to a change in family circumstances. She is a Retriever mix and looks as though she has been crossed with a cocker spaniel, and she is quite small, about 14 inches.
It seems Bella was in heat while she was in the dog pound and nature ran its course. IRR had no idea when Bella came to the UK she was already pregnant and it wasn’t until her adoptive family took her to the vet for a check up a few weeks after her adoption, it was discovered she was due to give birth within 2 weeks. On 5th August 2012 Bella gave birth to 7 beautiful puppies.
The puppies are now ready to go to their Forever Homes.
Dolly has gone to her Forever Home with Nigel and Belinda – who already have 3 IRR dogs – Maisie, Bela and Flossie. They absolutely adore her!
Our little girl is coming on really well. She comes out for walks although she has to be carried. We can feel she is putting on weight and growing at a considerable rate. She sleeps well at night, and has a good sleep in the mornings after her walk although it us who need the sleep after carrying her so far. She is quite dominant in play but Flossie is enjoying the engagement as long as we keep Bela and Maisie back. She sits well for treats and is beginning to learn waits and downs. She will be submissive with the girls if they tell her and very often sleeps showing her belly so I think she knows she has landed on her feet. Dolly is having her second jab next week so she will soon be able to walk with the girls. She is doing quite well at house training, we are only having the occasional mishap. She is absolutely adorable and melts people’s hearts when she meets them. We think she will be a fantastic addition to our family.