Drake Boyd

Once called MINSTREL with his brother MERLIN and Golden Retriever mum MAISIE he had been surrendered to the pound and possible instant death:((

Fortunately, all three were rescued and were fostered in Ireland before coming to the UK.
Amazingly, mum and pups were all in good condition and all have superb temperaments.
At present in foster in Somerset with Pauline, Minstrel loves all the other dogs and they love him too. He really is an adorable little chap. He has been reserved pending a homecheck.
DRAKE, as he is now called, already knows his name aswell as a few other things like how to climb on the kitchen table!!!!!!! His table adventure didn’t, however, last long and his plan was folied by him showing me how he did it:))
Since arriving, he has been to a steam rally where he met tractors, horses and carts and engines and he sat in my arms, not batting an eyelid, at a re-enactment of a WW2 battle going on across the field and the bangs were big.
Yesterday, he went to his first Heelwork to Music class. He did a bit of watching and even had a go at a few moves. He is fascinated watching the other dogs and i’m sure he’s itching to have a go.
Today, he has been to work with me where he was a little superstar. He spent most of the day asleep or tucking in to a large meaty bone. He is great when you tell him not to do things as he does, on the whole, listen to you which is a nice change from wilful, stubborn Bernese MDs.
The cats and the other dogs were horrified when I brought him home. One day Ted (one of the BMDs) and Hal (terrier) were both sat next to each other on a huge beanbag looking down in horror at the small puppy sat beneath them.
They are better with him now, don’t feel the need to sprint past him anymore and can bear to be in the same room. Drake, of course, couldn’t care less.
Brian (one of the cats) jumped off the side to greet Drake when I brought him home………..he doesn’t run from dogs and always stands his ground which always confuses them. Poor Drake keeps trying to get him to play, by bouncing up and down in front of him, but he just ignores him & carries on with what he is doing.
He has been to the vets to register, met everyone there and had a few cuddles from the nurses. He is getting very heavy now and has grown even in the past week. We go out every morning with me carrying him………my biceps will be huge soon. He seems a tiny bit concerned about cars so we will sit and watch some traffic but I think that is the only thing he has shown any concern over at all. Nothing fazes him.
He is eating very well but his tummy has been a bit upset (no doubt by the move). He will now wee on command. He picked this up very quickly. The housetraining still needs a bit of work but is getting there. He settles very well at night (after a couple of nights of him being concerned and voicing his opinion) and he now toddles off to bed on his own……mind you, he does have a huge, comfy, single duvet to sleep on.
He is off to his first heelwork to music weekend with 2 of the others…….his first taster of what goes on. Then later in the month, he will be going to a Bernese working weekend. He also has a couple of trips to do to a couple of retirement homes………good job he has me as his PA!!!!!
He is completely spoilt and having a great time. Thankyou for letting me have the little (big) fella. I’ll be measuring him up for his dancing shoes soon so watch this space………………..
Drake is now KC registered. He is officially known as ‘The Travlin Irish Minstrel’.
Helen says ” He is going through another growing phase at the moment, has just about got all his big teeth although they, like the rest of him, have some growing to do. He has also this turned into a bit of a ‘Kevin the Teenager’. You can really see that stubborn retriever in him”.
“His work isn’t too affected by this, though, and he passed his BRONZE AWARD at dog club, nearly let down by getting up in his down stay to walk backwards and give paws!! Guess what he loves more than anything?!!”
Helen also said “He is learning fast and I’m trying to figure out what his kind of music will be. It’s a bit hard though as he isn’t in full control of the bits of his body that keep growing. I think he is going to be a big boy, his dad must have been a monster.”
“He will be having a first go in a competition in April as they have a puppy class, and now he is registered he can go and watch a competition in January.”
We will all be watching this space very intently for further reports on this clever little chap.
Helen says “Just thought I’d let you know how little Drake was. He came out of his op with no problems…although you wouldn’t think so to look at his face. He didn’t want to be left in the morning, he is such a mummy’s boy and normally the elastic doesn’t stretch that far. The vet had to have a double take at the size of him and his age on his form. Apparently his two veg were the right size for his age but his body is larger than most people expect! I went to pick him up and I had my hat ready for him to hold. He left the vet with it in his mouth, climbed into the passenger seat with it, sat with it on the way home and I finally had to get it off him when he got in. It is now even more crusty than it was before. He is such a baby!!
He has only two little stitches, not a bad swop really and the wound looks very nice and clean. He hasn’t wanted to go out yet, I don’t think the weather is helping much, but he is going out for a little walk whether he likes it or not tonight. He has been able to stay in my room for the past two nights so the others can sneak out without him in the morning. I think it might be hard to get him out of there again! I think Teal was most miffed that he was upstairs and in my room as she is the only one allowed up at night. Two very spoilt doggies.”
Drake is always willing to lend a paw. This was taken after helping his mum to do a homecheck.

He was carrying a floating toy believe it or not, even though it looks like a cigar!! He even did a little bit of paddling, after checking that the waves weren’t going to get him.
Helen says “He is, as we speak, emptying my bin…you would think he would be tired after his dancing class….he is starting to do absolutely beautiful heelwork now…making everyone jealous at class.
Going to take things out of Drakes mouth again……………………………………..”

Being a kind and considerate boy, Drake was happy to be one of IRR’s first Sponsor Dogs representing all the Crossbreed puppies born to Golden Retriever Mums, the repercussions of which don’t bear thinking about.
Drake would like to thank all the wonderful people who sponsored him:-
Hilary & Eric Cassidy
Jenna Laney
William Whittaker
Joy Dickinson
Rita Moohan
Thelma Murray
Ella Frankcom
Daniel Osborne
Karen Isaacs
Jill Rhymer
Sandra Dalmeijer
Helen says “The competition was in Worcester and we stayed in lovely b&b. It was only the second time that the little fella had stayed away from the two homes that he frequents. He spent the first night very frightened, as he thought the birds and the other sounds from the great outdoors were coming to get him, so he spent a lot of the night woofing at them, and I spent the night telling him to shut up. By the second night I had moved him and his duvet to where Teal was sleeping and the combination of this and a tiring day worked wonders. Soon he will be a professional bed and breakfast dog like Teal.
Drake had spent the day on Saturday watching and having little tantrums, standing at the end of his lead pulling faces. Eventually he gave in and went to sleep. He was really great with people and dogs alike, no spooky behaviour. Unfortunately this changed on Sunday and he was extremely spooky with people. I’m really not sure what turns him, he’s a funny lad. Luckily, one of the lady’s that he spooked at spent some time ignoring him and making a fuss of Teal. He then wanted to get in on some of the action and was quite shocked when he wasn’t allowed.
Following the great success of his sister, Teal, on the previous day, it was then Drake’s turn to have a go on the Sunday and he did redeem himself when he went in for his puppy class. It was on the fun day so treats were allowed. All I wanted was for him to be happy and not spooked by the music or the whole atmosphere. I had taken him in the ring earlier with a toy so he could have a go on the carpet and have a bit of a sniff and a look round. Initially, then, he had found it a bit odd but all was OK once he had started working and playing with his frisbee.
He entered the ring confidently and there was only one point when he looked sideways to check the boogie men weren’t going to come and get him. His heelwork was absolutely beautiful. He has another fun day in May and his first real show will be at the beginning of June. I am going to start work on some freestyle moves now and see how he gets on.
I’m very proud of them both. They were very tired last night, but have had a nice weekend, with some snow thrown in for extra excitement on Sunday morning….another first for Drake.”