Duke Smith

Our dear little Duke has passed on and is now with Ollie & Lady again.
We rescued you from the kennels where you came in as a stray. We love cavaliers & had already rescued others. Dad took you for a walk, although really it was you taking him for a walk. We took you home that day, introduced you to the ‘mob’ and you settled fine. You soon made up your mind though that your place was on the sofa – with mum and dad.
That was your place, on Dad’s lap.

We knew you had a bad heart when we rescued you & you were on special medication to control it. You did really well for many years & had survived several strokes.
You really were a sweet little boy Duke & will be very sadly missed by all of us. Go & run free with Ollie & Lady they will be waiting for you & you will all meet up with …… Queenie, Honey, Bonnie, Tia, Duke, Appollo, Zuki, Lucy.

Rest in peace Duke.
Sadly lost but never forgotten.
Until we meet again…
All our love
Mummy, Daddy, Auntie Caron
Lucy, Molly, Harvey, Charlie, Rupert, Indie
& the cats