
Duncan’s history
Duncan is 14 months old and was surrendered to IRR through no fault of his own.
Fosterer’s first report – UK: March 2013
I really don’t think I have even seen such a happy cheerful dog, tail is always wagging and has a smiley face and is such a pleasure to be around. (As I’m typing this report he is looking at me trying to grab my hand as well as trying to wash the cat).
Duncan sits to command when crossing the roads, and is good on the lead. Although he is not too confident with main roads and traffic he just needs a little time and patience which will come in time. We have encountered articulated lorries, fire engines and police cars and coped OK considering.
We have had a few visitors round to meet Duncan and he loves all the attention. When returning from a walk today we saw my neighbour who is a childminder. All the children came out to see him and he seemed in his element with all the attention he was getting. He plays nicely in the garden running for the ball and bringing it back with no problem.
Duncan seems fine with food although when feeding he does tend to eat very quickly – I guess this must have something to do with being around other dogs previously but he does not seem to be possessive with food. When travelling with Duncan I would suggest a Dog Guard as he jumped through the boot to meet us in the front when we picked him up (little monkey!!) And tried to make up to us with lots of kisses.
The first night at bed time it took him a while to settle (which is acceptable under the circumstances). The second night he settle better. When I leave the house, on my return he jumps with excitement and likes to soft mouth your hand.
Duncan’s general heath seems to be OK. He has the most beautiful shiny silky coat.
Duncan would really benefit someone who could be around him for long periods as he loves company. He really is a super happy smiley dog and very adorable and friendly.
Fosterer’s second report: March 2013
Well as I am sitting here typing Duncan is very kindly helping……..or desperate to be fussed!!
He still has his charm and happy personality, He loves to take you by the hand and lead you around. He loves visitors small or tall!! My 8yr old son has returned home and they both get on really well – Thick as thieves some may say!!
He is getting on well with my old cat Polly (as you can see from the pictures). Although if he does get a little over excited she will warn him with a tap on the nose, which seems to be enough.
Out on walks he is doing very well; sitting before we cross over the roads and is very polite on the lead and tends not to pull. He has been off the lead in a secure field where he loved to bound around and really stretch his legs. He did come to recall. He also liked playing with the ball and wanger.
Duncan would really benefit being around someone who could be around for long periods throughout the day.
Overall Duncan is a fab, energetic friendly and loving dog, He also loves to find gifts to give you when he wanders into the room – Or maybe he is telling me I need to tidy up a little!!!
He also likes to help out when towelling him off after muddy walks – Bless him, he lies down rolls over so you can rub down his feet.
Fosterer’s third report – March 2013
Day by day Duncan is getting more and more adorable and his character is really beginning to shine through. He is settling a lot better now he is getting into a routine. He loves his walks and is getting used to be rubbed down when muddy and he now jumps up on to the higher side of the patio to have his paws cleaned off. He has a lot of energy and loves being out, but also loves cuddles too.
We now have got another dog staying with us, a 2yr black Cocker Poo. Both met on neutral ground and Duncan loves him. Both are great with each other with food, toys and beds (although Duncan does try to steal Basil’s bed while he’s not looking).
Another one of Duncan’s habits is he likes to be carrying things around, be it a sock, glasses case or a jumper. I did also catch him trying to be the Andrex Puppy and grabbing the end of the toilet paper and dragging it down stairs.
Duncan really is a happy smiley dog and is always looking to please.
April 2014
Duncan has gone to his Forever Home.