Ellie Dagger

Our beautiful Ellie has gone to Rainbow Bridge. She was gentle and behaved like a real lady to the very end, a fantastic ambassador for her breed as always.

She had been about a year old, totally un-socialised and living with drug addicts in horrible conditions, when she was discovered by friends of IRR in 2006. Thank goodness, the rest of her life, in contrast, has been very happy and, apart from a couple of seasonal allergies which were well controlled, she was extremely fit and healthy.
Her first major visit to the vet was on 13.12.2017 when an inoperable tumour was found in her throat. Sadly, that meant her days were numbered but Val vowed to give her the best last days she possible could, however many or few that may be. We feared the worst but Christmas came and went then it was the New Year. Every day was a bonus.
Amazingly, with a lot of love and care from Val, Ellie had 14 good weeks when she walked to and around our special field every day. She had the best of food and, although slowing down as would be expected of an older lady, she was very happy and still enjoyed her life to the full.
Inevitably, the slow growing lump eventually began to bother Ellie and Val knew there could be only one final act of love to bestow to prevent Ellie from suffering.
On Tuesday, 20th March, a heartbroken Val said “goodbye” to Ellie as she peacefully slipped away to go to Rainbow Bridge and be with her little friend, Connie, once again.

You’ve gone from me, I miss you so
Your coat jet black against the snow
Your big brown eyes with gentle gaze
Your loss has left me in a daze.
Alone I amble down the road
No-one to share my heavy load
Always faithful by my side
Matching me on every stride
One more look I yearn to see
One moment shared with you and me
One gentle kiss upon my face
Remembering, I slow my pace
My eyes well up, here come the tears
Where are you now to quash my fears?
I’d swap a fortune, that’s so true
For just a little sign from you
I pause and close my reddened eyes
I feel you near, I tell no lies
On my face I feel your kiss
Am I dreaming? What is this?
My eyes wide open now, I see
A pure white feather sent to me
I knew that you would send a sign
Of love forever yours and mine
Yet, still, such sadness fills my heart
Are my two girlies still apart?
Eleven years they were a pair
Separation’s so unfair
Remembering how they used to play
I miss them every single day
Then, as I sink in deep despair
All I can do is stand and stare
A second feather flutters down
And takes away my sorry frown
It’s proof to me my girls will be
Together for eternity
A VERY SAD DAY FOR ELLIE and VAL (16.10.2017)

Little Connie was a lovely, gentle, sweet natured girl who was loved by everyone who met her. She had a wonderful long life with Val who adored her and, from 2006, with Ellie who became her best friend.
She was 14yrs and, for most of her life, she had been extremely fit and healthy but, in her last two years, despite several surgeries, she did keep getting recurring tumours. She was always a very brave girl and never really seemed to let her medical problems and rehabilitation bother her but, sadly, her age was always going to be against her.
Without a care in the world, Connie had been happily playing ball with Val and Ellie in the morning and, during the evening, she had her usual very rough play with Mr Rabbit who had even managed landing in the fire on more than one occasion through his life.
Then, completely out of the blue, in the very late evening of Monday 16th October, Connie suffered from a massive stroke. This was terrifying for both Val and Ellie but, thankfully, Connie wouldn’t have known anything about it.
Eventually, the vet on call came but, sadly, given her age and medical history, there was no realistic option other than to calmly and gently put Connie to sleep with Val at her side.
Val and Ellie said their sad “goodbyes” to her and Connie was taken to be cremated at the local Pet Cemetery. Her ashes are going to stay in Connie’s special place in the house.
Poor Val is utterly devastated and devoted Ellie is doing her best to comfort her mum.
This picture is of Connie in 2005 with her friends, Danny, Sammy, Jilly May, Eddie, Ricky, Freddie and Barney. For sure, Connie will now be happily reunited with all of them at Rainbow Bridge.
Fly with the other angels, little Connie xx

Ellie is a beautiful GSD. She was about a year old, totally un-socialised and living with drug addicts in very cramped conditions when she was discovered in 2006. She was very spacey herself and she was fed on things like pink wafer biscuits.

She went to live with Val and her lovely Whippet, Connie. After a season, this gorgeous girl was spayed. Ellie was soon enjoying 3 good long runs a day and the best of food.

Needless to say, she was to be very much loved. Ellie went regularly to training classes, gained her Bronze Kennel Club Good Citizen Award and became a model of good behaviour. She regularly ran and played with lots of doggy friends which made her a very happy girl.