
Eva is 5 years old and was surrendered to IRR due to family illness.
Eva had had very little human interaction in her life and was very timid because of this. She is now being fostered in Wiltshire by Tracey.
Eva is a fabulous dog. She is housetrained and barks to be let outside. She will also wake you at night if she’s restless and needs to go outside.
She travels very well in the car and made the journey from Warwick to Wiltshire without any problems at all. Eva is definitely used to dogs and was a bit feisty with Tia, my own dog. However, she has now settled in and they have become the best of friends. Eva hasn’t yet mastered the art of stairs and is very slow about going up or down but will get there eventually. She is equally timid about coming into the house, as she is a little afraid of doing something wrong. This should subside with time, when she feels more comfortable.
Eva is the ultimate counter cruiser and is curious to check out what’s on tables or counter tops, so no food is left out. She is also the latest ‘dish washer’ when attempting to take whatever is left on the dinner plates if they are within easy reach. I keep telling her that the dishwasher can handle it, but she seems to disagree and insists that it needs that added bit of help! Eva doesn’t show any fear of household noise such as vacuum cleaners, dishwashers or tumble dryers.
Eva loves to play ball and she loves soft toys, although she likes to bury her toys in the garden if given half a chance. She socialises well with other dogs, and she is also happy to watch walkers passing the gates with dogs, and horse riders riding by without barking or making any fuss.
She walks quite well on the lead but will need more training on basic commands. This is probably due to lack of interaction with her previous owner. She is now starting to pay more attention to and understand the ‘sit’ command. She hasn’t been tested with small children or cats so this should be taken into account. She loves people and attention. I can honestly say that Eva is a great presence and think that she would make any family a wonderful pet.
MARCH 2012
Eva has gone to her Forever Home.