Farley is a one year old male, pure bred, large, strong Golden Retriever. He is almost snow white in colour with a vivacious personality and is very affectionate. He has received all the vaccinations necessary for travel and has been neutered.
Farley came to Irish Retriever Rescue from another Dog Rescue in Ireland. He is used to family life.
Farley is house trained and travels well in the car. He loves playing and gets on well with other dogs. He is very trusting and does tend to jump up for affection, so he needs boundaries set for him. Farley lacks basic commands therefore he will need an experienced person to give him the time, love and training that he needs.
Farley is best suited to someone with previous Golden experience who likes the challenge of bringing a mischievous Golden to their best potential, having the time and the patience to harness the energy of this affectionate, trusting, large, handsome boy.
September 2015
Farley has gone to his Forever Home