Flossie Dracup

Sad News June 2020
Flossie has gone to Rainbow Bridge.
Nigel and Belinda wrote, “It is with the heaviest heart that we sadly have to report the loss of our beloved Flossie, she came to us from Belinda and Terry in Sept 2011 and was the most wonderful lady. She fitted into family life so very quickly after a few months of over-eagerness to explore the countryside.
She was the best-mannered girl you could wish for never any problem with other dogs or people apart from the occasional bark.
We were extremely privileged to have been her adopters for nearly nine years which seems to have gone in a blink of an eye.
Sadly, she had developed a small lump behind her front leg which was unknowingly a developing Tumour which burst yesterday meaning she had to leave us for Rainbow Bridge to fly with her friends.
We are absolutely brokenhearted and will miss her forevermore, but will always remember how lucky we were to love her.
With much love and best wishes to everyone at IRR.”
On arrival, then called Misty, Flossie was 4 years old and had had puppies 16 weeks before.
Belinda said “Flossie is fantastic with the other dogs, but has been mumbling at us, especially when she first arrived. When she is on the lead she walks well – obviously used to collar and lead – and she actually took some treats from my hand. She slept in the kitchen on her own and we didn’t hear a murmur and appears to be housetrained (I think she is the first foster dog we have had who is) so we are delighted. She wags her tail a lot even when she is mumbling.
Just taken her out for a comfort break in the garden on the lead and she came up to us for a stroke. She came into the house with me and took some treats from my hand. She is always pleased to see our girls when they come into the room and wags her tail to greet them. At one point she was sleeping up against Ellie May. She is now coming up to us to be stroked, so quite a breakthrough”.
Belinda and Terry took Flossie to be introduced to her new family: two IRR-rehomed sisters Bela and Maisie who all went on a walk together and got on really well.
Flossie is now in her new Forever home in Somerset with Nigel, Belinda and her two IRR rescued new sisters.
Nigel says that Flossie has settled in really well. She is starting to walk well on the lead and loves her twice daily walks. She has a lovely temperament, gets on really well with other dogs, travels well in the car and Nigel and Belinda are absolutely delighted with her.
DEC 2011 – 2nd UPDATE
Flossie has settled in wonderfully well. She is a fantastic loving girl, barks a bit too much at little people especially with visitors getting her full vocal attention. A few minutes after meeting them she seems to be accepting them fine after a fuss and treat. She can sometimes alarm our grandchildren by suddenly barking at them out of the blue – then Bela and Maisy will join in! We are working on this problem and will get there eventually.
She is the star of the class at training with lovely heel work and her recalls are great, but not when we are out and she is off the lead. She is getting there but we have to be very aware of when and where we can let her off as she tends to ignore us if she wants to run. She has also hurt her foot recently and now needs gentle lead walks for a while which is quite difficult because she does love her countryside rummages in the grass. I’m sure it is just excitement at the smells and such like that she has never experienced before so it will just take a bit of time to calm her.
Bela also runs with her sometimes enjoying the chase, not realising she is tempting her to run further. She is wonderful with food and attention, no aggression or protective instincts. She sometimes grumbles when chewing a toy if she is not getting their attention but the girls just keep their distance and retrieve the toy when she has finished. She doesn’t mean anything by it as she wags her tail all the time.
Bela and Maisy are taking their time letting her in to their pack, I think they are a bit bewildered by her size and are not always keen to let her play but she keeps asking. They do miss her when she isn’t with them and always give her a big fuss when she comes home from the vets.