Freddie Whincup

A heartbroken Val has been in touch with Jenny to say their fabulous IRR dog, Freddie, went to the Bridge today.
Freddie was Jenny and Julie’s first foster dog and he was very special to them too. A lovely lad, they will always remember him fondly. They were delighted when IRR found him such a fabulous home and had hoped his perfect life would have been for many more years than the six he had but, cruelly, that wasn’t to be.
His sudden death has been a huge shock for Val and Brian. Even though Freddie had been recently diagnosed with Cushings, it appeared to be under control so it was really hard to see him going downhill so rapidly.
On Thursday 20th October, his last day, a scan showed a suspect mass which meant, devastating as it was for his loving humans, there was really only one option so that their fabulous Freddie would not have to suffer.
His passing, although far too soon, was gentle and peaceful and in the arms of his beloved mum and dad. Their one regret was Freddie not being given sleep at home but that was not an option with him being so poorly.
His ashes are now a lasting memory of him although he could never, ever be forgotten as he was such a wonderful boy.
During his six years with Val and Brian, he enjoyed his wonderful life with them to the full including his many and varied caravan holidays in all sorts of exciting places. He was never left out. Now, everywhere they go, everything they do is a reminder of all the special times they shared with their loyal companion.
Freddie will never be forgotten and, for sure, he will remain in Val and Brian’s hearts forever.
Sleep well until we all meet again, Freddie.

In 2010, Freddie was a four year old neutered Golden Retriever who was fostered by Jenny & Julie in Yorkshire.
They said of him “Freddie is a beautiful, friendly and loving boy who adores people, bonds quickly, loves cuddles and wants to be close and to please. He is very enthusiastic and inquisitive, especially when out on walks, which he really enjoys. This zest for life means he can be quite boisterous in the house and he pulls on the lead when out walking, but this is improving as Freddie is being walked on a harness. Freddie enjoys playing with toys, especially balls, but he is not possessive over toys”.

Freddie is living and playing happily with our 2 dogs and is also good with dogs he meets outside on walks. However, if Freddie is challenged by another dog he doesn’t know he will stand his ground and he won’t back down. Freddie has not been tested with cats. He has not been child tested in a home environment.
Freddie travels well, he is clean in the house and is being trained to use a crate. He appears to have received some basic training in the past and will sit, leave and lay down on command. Freddie’s recall is good in the house and garden, but he will need some further training to come when called when outside, especially when something takes his interest.
Freddie is people focussed and does not like being separated from the people he has bonded with, either at night or during the day, even for short periods. He becomes very distressed, even though he has the company of our 2 dogs. We are working with Freddie to ease this separation anxiety, and whoever gives Freddie a forever home would need to be patient with Freddie and be prepared to continue this work to help him gain confidence.
Freddie is a joy to be with and he will love a life of good walks, a comfy bed to sleep on, good food and lots of cuddles!
UPDATE 12/11/2010
Freddie continues to make great progress: He now weighs 30kg. His cough has gone.
He is growing in confidence. His lead walking is improving. He has come into contact with children this week and has played happily and gently with a 20 month old girl.
Freddie is still unhappy about being left alone for periods, but given his growing confidence, our belief is this will improve as he settles into his forever home, as long as his new owners are willing to be patient with him.
Overall, Freddie is a delight – he’s good with people and dogs, loves his food, loves his ball, and loves cuddles and playing. What more could anyone want?
UPDATE 18/11/10
Over the past 4 weeks Freddie has made fantastic progress. He’s now eating a normal doggy diet – he loves food – and is a healthy size; he has grown in confidence and his lead walking is improving.
Freddie likes to be in on the action, he loves companionship and being one of the family. With his increasing confidence comes increasing trust and he is now learning to accept that his people will come back for him. His big news’ this week is that he has managed to be left for up to 2 hours at a time at home with our dogs without becoming vocal or distressed. We’re all very proud of him!

Freddie is a very affectionate and fun loving boy who is bouncy and energetic outdoors. He is a gentle, loyal boy with a zest for life. He is good with dogs, good with people and has shown himself to be relaxed around children. An all-round gorgeous boy.
Hello…. Freddie here!
What can I tell you about me… well, I arrived here a few weeks ago in a bit of a state, now I look back on it. I was very thin, and a bit confused. It’s fair to say, I had a few confidence’ and
trust’ issues. The people here gave me plenty to eat to build me up, even if it was puppy food (our little secret: a man has his pride). My two foster brothers were very understanding and they’ve turned out to be nice doggy chaps – though a man could outstay his welcome, so I’m seriously looking for a forever home of my own now.
My biggest `trust issue’ was being left alone in the house. I believed I was being abandoned. My foster people gave it a posh name – separation anxiety. The bottom line…. whenever they went out without me, I screamed the place down! I’m very embarrassed about that now and don’t even like talking about it. I’m pleased to say I’ve been in charge of the house a few times for whole mornings or afternoons at a go now without losing the plot. So well done me!
Something I’m working on is loose lead walking’. I’m not very worldly you see, which is my confidence issue’ so every walk is a new adventure. I’m not going to let this get me down though. I keep telling myself how well and how quickly I learned to get over my abandonment fears. I truly believe that with a few more outdoor adventures with likeminded people (the ones with their pockets full of doggy treats) that this heel’ and here’ lark will become second nature. Actually, I might string that one out a bit, don’t want to lose those treats!
Well we had a party here last weekend. I can’t remember ever having been to one of those, so I was a bit apprehensive. You hear such things don’t you? However, even though I say it myself, I was by far the most charming, good looking and well-mannered out of the lot of them and I enjoyed every minute. I do love meeting new people and I adore cuddles and playing. If that’s what parties are then all I can say is `bring it on’.
Well that about sums me up. If you feel you could offer me a forever home of my own, do get in touch. I can’t wait to hear from you.
Hope to meet you soon. Love Freddie
UPDATE – 2/12/10
Yet another breakthrough week for Freddie: He is now sleeping downstairs without waking. His separation anxiety is resolved. He is walking well on the lead with the use of a halti.
Freddie has made excellent progress since he arrived on 25th October, and is eagerly waiting for his forever home.
Freddie has gone to live with Val and Brian Wincup. A very excited group – human and canine – sliding off up the road in their car. Tears of joy from Val as soon as she saw Freddie, and Freddie was very happy with them too, especially Brian, who he was already gazing at adoringly by the time they left.
UPDATE 10/3/2011
Val said. “Freddie has been here 3 months now and has come on really well and is quite a character. He walks much better on the lead now though i still put his halti on but he doesn’t seem to mind. He still gets a bit annoyed with other dogs but he is much better than he was so we are still working on that one but I’m sure we will get there sooner or later. He loves to sit looking out of the window watching the world go by, I keep telling him I wish he could talk then he could tell me what was going on (I have never known a nosy dog like Freddie is).
We took him to the vets the other week with an ear infection which has cleared up now and the vet said what a nice dog he is and he is just the right weight now so I’m trying to keep him at that but it’s hard when he looks at me with those big brown eyes not to give him a treat, and he knows I always have some treats in my pocket. We have a caravan which we go to all through the summer and I can’t wait to see what he’s like when we sleep there, although we have been going to check on it now and again when the weather was bad and we took Freddie with us to get him used to it so I don’t think it will be a problem for him. There are some lovely walks on the cliff tops so I’m sure he will enjoy that.
All in all Freddie is getting more confident every day and I’m sure he likes living here with us (he’s taken the house over anyway). “