George Roberts

Poor Liz asked for prayers when her very precious George was rushed into the Vet Hospital with a nose pouring blood that would not stop.
Not long after, we heard the very sad words, “He’s gone. They found a tumour and he’d had enough for an old chap. He told me himself.
It doesn’t get any easier but he’s at peace now.
Thank you my gorgeous puddle head George for the love and entertainment over the past few years xx”.
We felt sure Tessie would have been waiting to greet George at the Bridge and we all hoped that Liz and Ted wouldn’t find Christmas too upsetting without their lovely George.
We knew he would still be with them in spirit and, of course, he will be forever in Liz’s heart.

In 2015, gentle George, a lovely neutered male, was, initially, supposed to be approximately two and a half years old but there was a lot of confusion about his age. Belinda found George’s Pet Passport made him between 5yrs and 6yrs so where the young age came from we couldn’t imagine.

It became increasingly obvious he was more of an old man and a different UK vet confirmed it but it didn’t matter to Liz as she loved him to bits anyway.
Many people were responsible for saving this boy’s life. He was in a kill pound and another rescue helped Irish Retriever Rescue get him out. Through their efforts, we got him to a veterinary surgeon to get medical care.
The IRR Irish foster co-ordinator was, once again, immediately on the case and she got a fabulous foster home for him in Co. Mayo. He was safe there and he was looked after and fully assessed by his wonderful fosterer until it was time for him to travel to the UK.
The IRR Irish foster co-ordinator was, once again, immediately on the case and she got a fabulous foster home for him in Co. Mayo. He was safe there and he was looked after and fully assessed by his wonderful fosterer until it was time for him to travel to the UK.
In the UK, he went into foster with Liz in the Midlands.
She said of him, “George has a sweet gentle personality. He just needs love and affection and a place to snooze and chill out. It is truly tragic when someone’s once loved pet is no longer wanted”.
George got his feet well and truly under the table with his fosterer and, it was no surprise to anyone, when we heard he would be staying with Liz in his Forever Home.

George and Teddy Edward are feeling very sad as their dear old friend Tess has gone to Rainbow Bridge.