
Goldie is a female 3.5 year old Golden Retriever. Goldie has been spayed, vaccinated and micro-chipped.
Goldie came to Irish Retriever Rescue due to a change in family circumstances.
Goldie is affectionate and playful.
Goldie is house trained. She is good in the car, traveling long distances with ease. Goldie is a little boisterous and loves to play, especially ‘hide and seek’ and ‘find the toy.’ She knows basic commands, is good on the lead and has good recall. She is wary of plastic bags, mops and hoovers! Goldie is good with dogs but not cats.
Goldie would suit a home, preferably with a resident dog, that had plenty of time and love to give her.
December 2015
Goldie has gone to her Forever Home to live with Anita, Bill and her new brother Toby.
January 2016
Update from Goldie’s Forever Home
Thank you all so very much for Goldie, she is adorable, Toby loves her. And so do we. We will have a lovely life together, and we appreciate everything that was done for us to get this lovely little girl.
Love Bill Anita Toby and Goldie xxx