Hannah and Belle

Due to terminal illness, very old friends of IRR, unfortunately, have to rehome all their rescued animals . The plan was for the dogs to remain in Ireland with their owners until we managed to find a loving home for them.
Hannah had been found wandering in the countryside 2 years before and had been picked up by the police before being taken to Michele & Brian.
She was approximately 7-8 years old and spayed. Her teats were almost on the floor and it’s probable that she was thrown out or escaped from a puppy farm. Her hind legs had either been broken at the knees or have grown misshapen. Her claws grow around and underneath her pads and have to be trimmed regularly. Despite her problems, she is still capable of jumping backwards on her hind legs at tea time!
She is OK on the lead and good in the car. She just likes to sit by your side and gaze at you all the time. She is approx 7-8 yrs old. She is great with other dogs, although will grumble at them if they try and edge her out of her bed. Good with cats and great with people. Hannah’s only down-side is that she has never been house-trained; she is much better than she was, but still forgets sometimes.

Belle was just 11…….going on 4 and spayed!! She had been taken to Michele & Brian by her owner. She had been his gun dog but he had got a new puppy to train and didn’t have time for Belle any more.
She is one of the most good natured, happy Labs ever! From the moment she arrived at Michele & Brian’s, it was like she’d been with them all her life and she attached herself to Hannah. She ensures Hannah is kept very clean by giving her one or two daily washes!
She loves to chase a ball or carry one around with her. Alternatively, she is quite happy to play with a plastic bottle if there is no ball available. She is fantastic with other dogs, good with cats, and adores all humans. She is house-trained, but sadly does have the odd accident which may be due to her age. Belle’s only down-side is that she pulls on the lead, but she is excellent in the car.
Both dogs have “normal” Labbie appetites!
Because these two girls were so attached to each other, they had to be rehomed together.