2013 Golden Successes


A Golden Retriever, the clue’s in the name.
Dare to adopt one? Life won’t be the same.
Goldens love playing the go and fetch game
But toys and best slippers are they not the same?
Owners must share their most favourite chair
But they need to beware – they’ll get covered in hair.
Love is a mix of wet kisses and licks
And making you laugh with our naughtiest tricks
Digging is great fun, we’re searching for moles
But humans beware of those dirty great holes.
Expect to see artwork in the shape of large paws
Muddily planted on floors, walls and doors
Never wear pastels or, even worse, white
Cos we can jump up to a full human height.
Running and jumping are things that we do
But one ram from behind and your legs bend in two.
Even the cat can be felled by one splat.
Love the thrill of the chase and that look on her face.
Then a swim in the lake needs a full body shake
And a wag of the tail with the force of a gale.
Removing the phone……well they say dog and bone……. .
Need to bury it deep on our recycling heap.
I’m mad as a hatter always up for a splatter
In the muddiest puddle then look out for my cuddle.
Every pooh is to roll on and show off your belly.
Badger or fox are the best …. they’re soooo smelly!!!
Very best are the cowpats, they’re well tasty to lick …
Shame humans find slurping them makes them feel sick.
Even though we enjoy being smelly and mucky,
All our number one humans say they feel very lucky
Retrievers ain’t always clean but they’ll never be mean
And they guarantee fun so could you be the one?

Paw written by Jeff Shepherd