2014 Golden Successes


Why do we love them? goodness knows!!!!
Poking us with cold, wet nose
Pile of fur that grows and grows
Tickly tongue for licking toes

One shake can flood the kitchen, mud’s splattered on our walls
Hairy, smelly monsters who go deaf to frantic calls
Barking getting louder when they want to go and play
Slobbering, greedy creatures who will eat and eat all day

Why do we love them? We all know
Coats almost red to white as snow
The biggest heart that’s never slow
Their love for you will grow and grow

A tongue for giving kisses, coal black nose and huge brown eyes
Like silk to smoothe, we know that they will never tell us lies.
One smile can melt the hardest heart, one hug can ease your pain
Devoted, loyal, caring – till you feel whole again

Why do we love our Treever fest?
As heads on knees they gently rest
OK they’ll put us to the test
But we all know they are the best

Poem by Jeff Shepherd