Harley Edwards

Owen has told us the very sad news that on Monday 18th May 2015 his handsome boy went to Rainbow Bridge.
They did everything together and Harley was Owen’s shadow. He is going to leave a very big hole in Owen’s heart.
Harley is probably now coming up to 3yrs old and has a bit of a chequered history. We thought he was settled with Claire and family, who adored him, but he had to come back to us again in June 2009 when a drastic change in family circumstances meant they were no longer able to keep him. He was then fostered in Somerset by Pauline and Steve and settled in very well with them and their dogs, almost becoming their “failed foster” for 2009. Whilst with them, he had to share with not only their 6 dogs but George, with his friend Shadow, came to stay for 10 weeks and Louis had a weekend stay with them too.
He had an enjoyable Summer and there was a lot of interest in him but we were looking for just the right very active home for him and that came in September when Owen and Sandra came to the Reunion to organise the Agility for us again.
It was love at first sight between Owen and Harley and he happily went home with them on the Monday after the Reunion. After a bit of a wobbly start, he has now become best friends with their other IRR dog Brian and they have definitely become partners in crime. Harley has been introduced to the delights of Agility and Obedience and is thoroughly enjoying both.
My first real Agility Show!!! Brian and the others had told me all about them. We had done an Inter-club match 2 weeks earlier and Daddy thought I would like to jump at my proper height, these jumps looked huge, so I walked under them all, Daddy didn’t think it was funny????? Anyway he asked if I could jump at ‘Anysize’ (these are nice little jumps about 12ins) at this show. Daddy walked me around the rings, so I could see the other dogs running over the obstacles. Then we queued for my class, I think Daddy was more nervous than me. My turn, Daddy sat me in front of the first jump, then he walked to the third one and called me. I didn’t know if I wanted to go, as there was a strange man in a suit watching. Daddy called again, oh well here goes!!!. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 jumps all in a row but where was jump 7? then Daddy shouted tunnel, the man in the suit watching had his arm in the air. I went in the tunnel then Daddy told me what order to jump the other hurdles. When we had finished Daddy was really pleased, I had only got 5 faults for missing the tunnel, but Daddy was breathing hard, apparently I run very fast!!! It was great fun and I can’t wait until the next show.
JUNE 2010
Brian and Harley have both passed their Bronze Good Citizen awards. Harley took a couple of tries at the stay but he managed it in the end. We have been to a number of shows and Harley now understands he has to stay in the garden, we have been very lucky at most of the shows, being close to the ring and even ringside on the odd occasion.
Although we have never let Harley watch Brian perform, they have obviously been talking. Harley has alway had a very good wait at the start of the course (something we don’t understand as he can’t do a sit stay at obedience). He sits and waits whilst Owen walks past the first few jumps, Owen calls him, but Harley just sits, Owen calls again, Harley looks over both shoulders (just in case Owen is calling some other dog called Harley) and then Oh!!! you want me and off he goes. He is not yet jumping full height jumps, so once he goes he is very fast. The trouble is, at the last 2 show we have been at, half way around the course he suddenly lies down into the play stance and as Owen goes towards him he rolls over for a tummy rub, even the Judges find it funny!!! Once again anyone watching is in uproar and we are getting a bit of a reputation so much so that we have been asked if we would like to attend a demonstration at a home for Handicapped people next weekend, as they are both so entertaining.
Harley did manage to get a Clear Round on Saturday, even with a lie down in the middle of the course.”
Harley is a young golden retriever who was neutered in Ireland. He gets on well with other dogs, is clean in the house and is very affectionate. Harley went to his forever home with his new family straight after the Reunion.
I didn’t really know what was happening when Dave and Allie took me in their car for a VERY long ride to this Home place. We kept stopping to take walks and have drinks and some playing. I don’t like getting in the car so I wasn’t best pleased when they said it was time to get back in! 7 Hours they kept me in the car driving to Scotland (it’s very wet here!!!), but my mummy cuddled me the whole way home, which I was quite happy with! When we got home, I didn’t know what to do or think! Mummy slept downstairs with me that night and I was very pleased! I kept pacing, but she let me do my thing. I settled soon and slept through the night happily.
I didn’t quite understand these floors covered in tiles and laminate, so my mummy had to cover a path across through to the kitchen in towels and leftover carpeting (it’s funny that they just put in all new carpets because I can see all my muddy paw prints when we come in from a walk!! hehe!) I got over that the next day when I realised that I had to go on these silly floors to get my food! I have since learned to “skate” across them just fast enough to come barrelling into the living room and take crazies! Also, I have learned that I need to sit still after a walk to be tidied up (the hair seems to get awfully wet and mucky I guess).
I also was not so sure about these “walkies” that these crazy people take me on. They walk me until my tongue hits the floor! Its GREAT! Recently (since I started letting on that I DO know my name), they have let me run about like a crazy man chasing balls and rabbits in the woods! :o) Oh how I love rabbits!!!! I could spend hours sniffing for them, but it’s more fun to watch my mummy have these “heart attacks” as I go barrelling off! She doesn’t know yet that I will come back when I am done!!!
I have been called cheeky recently (why, I don’t know!) because when my mummy comes home to take me on my walk at her lunchtime, she catches me on her new black couch! I can see out the window when I sit on it! They keep telling me to keep all my paws on the floor, but it’s hard when I can’t see out the window when they leave…so I have to jump on the window sill to see them as they go! I think I am awfully cute! [We do too, but it hard to teach selective “paw on the floor” training to a retriever that thinks he can fly!] I don’t jump on people anymore, UNLESS they have a sandwich in their hand!!!!
I love my toys too! Even though I keep being told that my bed is not a toy, I do enjoy wrapping myself up in it and throwing myself around! Its fun really!! I also play this game called “Bonkers Conkers” where I take my rope toy with a big ball on the end and swing it about my head! It makes a funny noise when it hits my sides, so I keep going!! I am also happy with my squeakies and rawhides! Really I am happy just so long as I have something in my mouth (toes if you’re not careful!!!)!
I like my new home and all of the people that come in! I have learned that when my mummy and daddy have their friends around that the food is theirs and I have my own doggie food and treats! It is fun to slaver though! Everyone comes around to play with me and says that they want to take me home…I am not sure about that because I have it pretty good here! Mum calls me spoiled because I know I am cute and cuddly, so when I do something naughty, I work my charm!!!
I do look forward to seeing everyone next year when I am a year older and [hopefully] a year wiser! Mummy and Daddy are thinking dancing might be the event for me next year as I love weaving through their legs in step with them! Who knows? I have a year to figure out how to impress the ladies!
Mum Allison says. “We are so very happy with Harley, he just brings so much laughter and happiness that I could not imagine! The cuddles and kisses just flow and the ‘naughty’ habits are slowly slipping away (we know that paws belong on the floor MOST of the time!). Our family and friends love him and beg for time with him, but at the minute we are quite greedy and selfish enjoying all of his time! :o)”
Unfortunately Harley’s first home didn’t work out so he went into foster with Claire and family in Scotland who fell for his charms and decided to keep him.
Harley is doing great, he is a wonderful dog so far. My girls are getting on with him and he loves them. We all went for a walk yesterday and he was great on and off lead, he loves the kids. He likes to play fetch. He went for a very long walk today to the beach, and he loved swimming and playing in the surf, he met lots of other dogs and he was fine and came when called.
I believe Harley was sent to me, it was like he was meant to be here and came home to me. I will admit I am more of a Mastiff girl but when Harley looks at me I just want to melt into his chocolate eyes. When my eight year old son was poorly, Harley lay with him all day, he is there for us all the time. He is a good boy, who is great on the lead and off the lead. He loves other dogs and loves my cats, he is the most wonderful dog I have ever met! I love him so much and can never part with him.
Harley’s family x