
Age: approximately 3
Sex: Male, neutered
Harley was returned to his breeder by his family because unfortunately a child in the family had developed an allergy. Unfortunately when he came to IRR Harley was quite ill, but he is now recovering well. He is underweight as a result of his illness and will need an owner who will help him regain weight at a sensible pace.
Harley is a very friendly dog with a zest for life. He has charmed everyone that he has come into contact with and settled into his foster home with ease. He appears to get along with other dogs when out on his walks but most likely would chase a cat or a rabbit. He travels well in the car, although he is reluctant to climb in and needs some assistance. Harley has been the perfect house guest in his foster home – though he does appear to be anxious when left alone. He is neither food or toy possessive and will allow you to remove anything from his mouth. He is house trained and sleeps quietly throughout the night, preferring to sleep on the floor in an occupied bedroom.
He is in good health, although at 24.5 kilos he needs to gain a few pounds to bring him up to his correct weight. He can be a fussy eater.
Harley’s dream home:
Harley is a dog that likes to be with someone all of the time and tends to shadow an individual and supervise their every activity. He is not content to sit and see what you are doing but likes to try and ‘assist you’. He knows his basic commands (although he is easily distracted and quickly forgets what he is supposed to be doing but this just adds to his charm).
Harley would prefer to be in a home where he gets lots of attention, stimulation and exercise, and where he is not left for long periods on his own. He appeared to get on fine with children that he met on his walks, but as he is a young dog he can become over excited and would therefore be better placed in a family with older children (8+). He may also prefer to have the company of another dog.
Fostered in: Essex
Behaviour with other animals:
Harley is very good with other dogs, but is likely to be “interested” in cats.
November 2013
Harley has gone to his Forever Home.
9 November 2013
Harley was a bit unsettled to start with on the long journey from Essex to Cornwall but, after a while and a leg stretch at Fleet Services, he settled down and relaxed.
It was dark on arrival at his forever home but he still managed to run around the garden with great glee, before enjoying a small meal. He then slept on his bed on the landing. However, on the second night, having started there, he ended up on the bedroom carpet which is what he preferred to do at his fosterer, Susan’s.
It is now day 3 and he is doing fine. He just loves the garden and races round like a mad dog. Harley is fascinated by the ponies (the feeling is not mutual as he likes to lie down and bark furiously at them).
Yesterday, he went to the vet where he was thought to be in good health, apart from being a bit underweight, but he only needs to gain a couple of kilos more as he had put on a kilo with Susan. He is eating well and is getting 4 meals a day to gradually build him up which he seems happy with.
Shirley tells us “Harley had a walk with Graham this morning but decided twice he wanted to stop somewhere, so he sat down and wouldn’t budge! Where have we seen that before? He still follows us around but not so much and is very inquisitive of all new things and noises. At the moment, he is lying in the hall, good as gold.”
Everyone agrees he is an extremely handsome, very lovable boy. We are all sure Teddy and Sadie would have thoroughly approved.
Update from Harley’s Forever Home – 1 week on
Harley is gradually settling in and has already found the location of the “dog cupboard” containing all the treats recommended by Susan as well as beef jerky and tripe sticks which he is very partial to. The word “tripe” for everything foody (which worked well for Sadie and Teddy) is starting to help him respond too and do his recall when he hears the word.
Harley now has an indestructible squeaky ball which he likes to play with on his bed in the kitchen but, much as he loves his bed, he still chooses not to use it at night. He is a very gentle boy and takes things from your hand almost without you feeling it. He bonded really closely with Graham almost immediately and was tending to follow him around everywhere but this is now getting better so Graham is now able to go out without Harley whimpering. Shirley is the feeder and groomer but Graham is the walker so, clearly, in Harley’s mind, fun is paramount! He is really fascinated by the tame pheasant but it’s probably as well they are separated by glass!!
The novelty of living with a big garden still hasn’t worn off and he still careers around it. He also loves rolling on his back and barking his head off! He barks at the postman and anyone else who comes to the door but, if they are allowed in, he greets them all like old friends. The only slight problem is Harley doesn’t yet realise that the garden is not only for playing in but also for going to the toilet so that is gradually being sorted but, all being well, he will soon understand what is required to get a nice reward.
By the end of the month, Harley will be going with Graham to training sessions which he will, hopefully, enjoy as much as Teddy always did. It will be yet another outlet for his boundless energy and enthusiasm especially once he starts doing the agility.