Honey Granger

Gone to Rainbow Bridge

Sad News 16 August 2022

Honey’s mum said, “My darling sweet Honey collapsed on her walk in the playing fields last night (16 August 2022) and passed away. It was very quick and she wouldn’t have known anything about it. She was in her favourite place with her best friend JJ. I am absolutely devastated and can’t believe she’s gone. She was the sweetest, gentle girl who never put a paw wrong. She will be missed by so many people, especially all her doggie boyfriends!!

Run free my special, precious girl.”





Honey was going to lose both her beloved brother, Shamrock, and her special sister, Megan.



Honey was the last pup of our Magnificent Seven to be born and the last to go to her forever home. She was also the biggest of the females. She was one of four girls (Daisy, Rose and Poppy) and three boys (Briar, Bramble and Shamrock) born to Lily on 13th and 14th June 2015.

She went to live in Gloucestershire with her big sister Megan and their lovely Mum, Julie, who had, sadly, lost the very famous / infamous Ricky Three Legs earlier this year.

On Sunday 16.8.2015, Honey went off happily to her new home with Julie and her sister. Barbara said ” All went smoothly. They are all gone now. Honey, clearly, felt quite at home in Julie’s caring arms”.


Julie rang when she got home to say Honey was settling in very well. She is delighted at Megan’s reaction as she is really happy and, already, loves little Honey to bits. It really couldn’t be any better.

On Honey’s first day, Julie tells us “Honey has been very good and there have been no accidents in the house. She slept in her crate until 3.30am when she started crying. We went in the garden so she could have a wee then we all slept on the settee. She absolutely loves the garden and likes you to chase here around it!!! She follows Megs everywhere.

She has met lots of customers this morning and is currently fast asleep in the shop !!! Dad & Pam met Honey last night. They took some pictures and, of course, had a cuddle as well”.

On day two, Julie said ” Still no accidents …. all wees & poos in the garden. She slept in her crate until 4.20am this morning.

She has paraded around the shop and she loves her big sister. She follows her everywhere. Honey already knows sit & “NO” !!! She also gives her paw. She is loving her food but has gone off goats milk. She wants meat like her big sister!!!

Honey was totally laid back and no problem when we went to the vets last night for her first jab and her micro chip”.

On day three, Julie says “Everything still going well and still no accidents. On the downside, she is a right little chewer!!! Especially rugs !!! I have removed most of them from the floor and am buying a cheap one to replace the one in my lounge which I will store until she grows up. She is also rather partial to digging the rug!!

She is eating well and loves to check out Megan’s food bowl to make sure she hasn’t got anything better!!!

Honey is getting more confident. She loves coming into the shop and hates being shut behind the child gate. She still idolises Megs and they even had a little play together”.

After a week, Julie tells us “All is still going well, Honey is such a good girl!! I weighed her this morning and she is now 8.4 kilos so she has put on 0.7 of a kilo since last Monday.

She had a little outing to the pub on Friday night and spent the whole time fast asleep under the table curled up with Megan. She travels well in the car as long as she is on the back seat with Megan. She has a harness which plugs into the seat belt so she is safe!!

She has now mastered the stairs, which she is fascinated by!! So, they have been blocked off as they are quite steep. Not good for little puppy legs!!!

Yesterday, she had a day out to visit my niece at her new house and she was as good as gold. She was totally unfazed by being somewhere new!!! I took a photo of her asleep on a bean bag there. She is currently fast asleep behind the counter with Megan”.

UPDATE 29.8.2015

Julie says “Honey is still being a good girl. Dad and Pam have fallen under her spell.

She is being a monkey with her food and will only eat out of Megan’s bowl after Megan has finished her food. She is also quite fussy. She loves chicken and the puppy mousse but she is a bit on and off with the Barking Mad Complete and I am struggling with any type of wet food. Honey has developed quite an appetite for chicken!! She barks at me when I am getting it ready !!! She is soo cheeky!!! Pilchards are now off the menu. She has decided she no longer likes them !!!
