Hugo & Coco Jacob


Hugo and Coco are a pair of fit and healthy two-year-old Golden Retrievers who were fostered by Ken and Julie. They have come from a loving family who cannot look after them any more due to work commitments, and are seeking for a new home where they can still be together.

They have been with us a week now, and seem quite happy in their new surroundings. They are very good with other dogs, adults and children, and are fun loving and obedient. We have seen no food stealing, and both dogs can be trusted in most parts of the house. They both love to play with toys and are obviously very attached to each other. I think this pair should be very easy to live with – but they do need space to run around. Having said that, they spend their evenings quietly lying at the bottom of the stairs and occasionally licking each others ears.

The pair are completely house trained and know what they are supposed to do when put out in the garden before bed time. If they need to go out again in the night, they will let you know.

Coco is trying very hard to make friends with Judy, and it is beginning to work; Judy is starting to accept her new play mates. When out for walks Coco prefers to stay close while Hugo may prefer to go looking for adventure. However, he returns instantly when he hears his favourite squeaky toy.

Hugo had his operation on Monday and has shown no ill effects at all since. He showed slight distress in the car and I think he would prefer to sit in the front. He is not car sick, but needs reassurance and likes the window open a little. Coco has no such problems with travel – she seems to be the more mature of the pair.

Although it may seem daunting to take on two dogs at once, Hugo and Coco look after each other and are happy just to know that you are nearby when they need you. They are quite strong and would probably be best walked with an adult or teenager. They are used to wearing Haltis at the moment and can walk nicely to heel. I think they could become a fun and rewarding addition to the right family.


It seems hard to believe that we have only had Coco and Hugo for just a week – it seems that they have been part of our family forever! We had a good journey back from Julie and Ken’s even nearly taking Judy as well who jumped into the car with them! They soon found their way around especially in the garden – nothing was safe – flower beds, trampolines! They woke up early the first morning – probably about 4.30ish but we have had no problems at all since. They have quickly settled into our family routine – quite busy with three children – but we all just love them.

We feel truly blessed that we have been given Coco and Hugo and now feel that our family is complete.
A big thank you to Julie and Ken for looking after them so well during the last few weeks and to Jan for driving over to microchip them yesterday

Jo, Mark and family