Hugo’s Wishes

IRR was founded on the principle of WELFARE FIRST. Our approach to rescue is one of quality over quantity; it’s about the individual dog, not its number. No dog is too old, too sick, or too expensive, if it’s ethical to treat, then we do, no matter the cost. We believe that providing a secure future for our dogs does not end with adoption and unlike most rescues, we take financial responsibility for ANY pre-existing medical condition at the point of adoption for LIFE.
As I’m sure you can imagine, this doesn’t come cheap but at IRR we believe that providing financial security for both dog and adopter is essential to ensure an adoptive home, remains a FOREVER home.
We have introduced Hugo’s Wishes scheme to celebrate and fundraise for those dogs that IRR have committed to funding for their lifetimes, below you will see their names and their total costs to date, these are moving targets and will be updated periodically. If you click on their photos, you will see their story and some words from their adopters.
Donations to Hugo’s Wishes can be made in the following ways please mark your donations “Hugo’s Wishes”
- Direct to our bank: Account Name: Irish Retriever Rescue, Sort Code: 30 99 29 Account No: 27769160
- BY PAYPAL (please choose family and friends option to avoid charges)
- Justgiving:
So why HUGO’S wishes?
Meet our inspiration and muse, Hugo…….