Jasmine Coman

Sad News 8th April 2021
Jasmine’s mum Tina said,
“Jasmine an IRR dog and my rock lost her battle with kidney disease on Thursday.
We adopted her in May 2016 and she was estimated to be around 7 then, so I got her to 12 despite 2 cruciate operations, a move to the UK and back to Ireland and in the end the awful kidney disease that took her life from her on Thursday.
She loved her balls and her toys, was completely toy obsessed and was surrounded with balls and toys. She loved her food, she would bark at me to hurry up when I would be getting her meals ready. She loved her 3 walks a day, although they were more a sniffing session for her as she stopped to sniff everything and with her 2 not so strong back legs a slow walk suited her. She loved being out the front and barking at everyone passing by. Everybody passing up and down the street knew ‘Jazzie’ as she was always out front barking and getting rubs from everyone passing by my front door which was always open for her to go in and out even in the midst of Winter as she was happiest outside but also appreciated her warm comfy bed inside for her to retire to whenever she wanted to.
When she didn’t have a ball in her mouth, she was eating the hedge, she would pull the branches off the hedge and pull all the leaves off the branch and would do this repeatedly, oftentimes bringing me in live mice she also found in the hedge.
Goodbye my best buddy, will love you always and forever and thank you for being my rock.”
Jasmine is a stunning, golden coloured, spayed 7 year old Golden Retriever. She is currently in foster in the Bristol area and potential adopters will be required to visit her at her foster home.
Jasmine came from a loving home but circumstances decreed that they couldn’t look after her as work commitments prevented her from getting the attention she needed. IRR believe that she was an outside dog and not accustomed to being in a house. Helen in Carrick Dog Shelter, Co Monaghan, a great friend to IRR, looked after Jasmine for three weeks and arranged for her spaying and inoculations. Jasmine was severely matted so, although groomed, she needed a great deal of her hair to be cut back. In her foster home Jasmine has been a pleasure to have around. Considering she used to live outside she has adapted really well. At night Jasmine sleeps beside her fosterer and has complete freedom to move about the house.
She has a vivacious personality and, like most Goldens, is very affectionate. Jasmine, like most dogs, loves to go for a walk. At night she settles down really well, also she loves to sit with you if you sit on the floor for a cuddle. Jasmine love to play with toys especially a ball, and she also loves to carry around a teddy bear.
On arrival in the UK it was noted that Jasmine limped after resting and seemed to favour one leg. Jasmine has now been x rayed and appears to have an old injury to the right knee which left untreated has caused arthritic changes. Jasmine has been prescribed joint supplements for long term use and Metacam for a short term. At the vets Jazz was brilliant, a pleasure to take. She was happy to be examined and didn’t bat an eyelid once the vet was examining her knee.
Housetraining: Jasmine is house-trained, If she needs to go outside she will let you know.
Food: She was described as food possessive but we have seen no sign of this in her foster home but is something to be aware of in any new environment. When Jazz is fed we have moved her bowl, smoothed her while eating & taken her bowl away. NO ISSUES.
Toys: Jasmine is not used to soft toys or soft beds and tends to rip them up. She is toy possessive with other dogs but has shown no signs of guarding from humans. Jasmine loves to lie on her bed both during the day or night. She hasn’t made any attempt to attack her bedding. She loves carrying soft toys around with her, but if not watched she can pull them apart, but if you say Jasmine to her she stops. Her fosterers have worked on the toy possession and it’s going well. We get an occasional growl but again this is sorted out quickly. We have worked on the drop command which is working well.
Leadwalking: She pulls a little on the lead. Whilst in Ireland, Jasmine was known to be an escape artist, however, she has shown no signs of wanting to escape from her foster home. She will, however, require a very secure garden due to her history. Her fosterers do go out into the garden with her to make sure. They have had no issues of ANY attempts. She loves to have a sniff about and lie down if the weather is nice. At the kerbside, she knows she has to wait until given the go-ahead.
Recall: Her recall needs work as she suffers from the common Golden problem of ‘selective hearing’. This has been worked on in her foster home and is improving, but further training will be required in her new home. We have tried the training lead a couple of times with her to work on this. Both occasions she been really good.
Children: Jasmine is suitable for rehoming with children over 10.
Dogs: She is good with other dogs although she can be toy possessive. She would be better suited as an only dog.
Cats: Jasmine has met a few cats on her walks and it would be best for her to live in a home without a cat.
Jasmine would love a home where she is the only dog and the centre of somebody’s world.
A middle aged girl, Jasmine is certainly no plodder and still very lively, although her exercise will need to be controlled due to her arthritis. In return, this beautiful girl will make a wonderful, faithful companion. The lucky future owner of Jasmine will get a loving girl who will give you unconditional love & companionship. Since we have fostered her, Jasmine has come on leaps & bounds & has been a pleasure to look after.
May 2016
Jasmine has gone to live in her Forever Home.