Joe Davies

RIP Joe, 7 March 2024
Joe’s mum Sue, said, “Today I lost my beautiful dear Joe. He was 14.5.
Joe came to me nearly a year ago, following the death of his mum. He had become a very major part of my life as he was mostly blind and mostly deaf. He had the reputation of being a wanderer, our own Lesley Mattos lived near him and his mum in Cornwall and apparently he used to take off to the river Camel, to be bribed to return by the local children. Looking back through his paperwork, he was originally rehomed to the UK from Cyprus at the age of 7, where was renowned for escaping. When he came to me, he relentlessly plodded around the yard and garden boundary fences, I put a pair of falconry bells on him so that I could tell where he was. I think he settled happily because he stopped doing it and became entirely content lying around the garden in the sun and welcoming his visiting human friends. He loved people and they loved him.
He was a totally benign character, I never heard a grumble, he was always so so happy. He loved the other dogs, even the occasionally grumpy Charlie, who has today been sitting close to him when we were waiting for the vet to come to pts him. I shall miss him unbelievably, he wormed his lovely way into my heart and although he was only here a year, he has become so very important. For sure it won’t be the same around here without him. These wonderful photos were taken by Kevin Pearson in June 2023. Lovely memories of a very very special Goldie.”