Kerry Lemon

TRAGIC NEWS 29/7/2013
It is with the deepest sadness that we have to report the passing of Kerry following a tragic, unforeseeable accident.
Eileen and Noreen are still in a state of shock and despair as are Belinda and Terry, her fosterers, who always kept in regular contact and would often go to the farm for walks accompanied by their own girls.
Eileen and Noreen had done a wonderful job in the two years she had been with them and Kerry was finally enjoying life to the full with them and their other dogs: Bella, Tessa and Pepper who she adored. Kerry was a changed dog and really loved the life she was living on the farm with the goats, sheep, horses, chickens and rabbits.
Her previous life meant that Kerry needed a lot of healing and love and she got it in spades but, it seems, although everyone expected them all to be together for many more years, it was Kerry’s time to go.
She was, clearly, needed to be a very special Dog Angel. Fly high darling Kerry.
We believe in angels
Who watch us from afar
To protect us and to help us
Be the people that we are
Some are guardian angels
Forever by our side
In times of strife they’ll help us
They are glad to be our guide
We think our angels have large wings
To help them as they fly
And we believe they do exist
Somewhere in the sky
In robes of white with golden threads
They smother us with love
Their wings in flight so graceful
With the beauty of a dove
We know there are Dog Angels
Who’ll lend a friendly paw
to help their cousins still on Earth
When life has beat them raw
For sure you have an angel
Her presence gives you care
She’ll likely send a feather
So you know that she’s still there.
When she came, Kimmy, as she was called back then, was a Golden Retriever between 5-7 years old who was fostered in Somerset. Her fosterer said: “Kimmy is settling in now, still very scared and lies flat on the floor most of the time, although she has just come through from the kitchen to join me in the living room of her own accord.
She wags her tail like mad whenever Terry or I go near her or talk to her. She has settled herself down next to me at the moment. She has seen the cat and taken no notice and I think she saw the chicken when we went into the garden but, again, no notice. But as I am having to encourage her to take every step in the garden, she is fairly preoccupied.
Our girls accepted her very quickly and she seems quite happy around them.”
We took Kimmy for a shampoo yesterday and she now looks even more beautiful and, best of all, smells lovely! She is certainly much happier now, she jumps into the car and comes into the garden when we call her, and does all her business outside – but I have to stay with her otherwise she breaks off in the middle and comes back inside with me!
She is very eager to please, her tail thumps on the floor as soon as she sees us and she picked up a ball in the garden this afternoon, though she didn’t want to play with it. She is excellent at night and very clean.
I am fairly convinced she is cat friendly as our cat is quite happy around her which is a good sign.

She is a lovely dog, each day she is getting into the swing a bit more and her confidence seems to be growing. She comes with the others to wait at food time, goes out with them after eating and came and sat with us in the sitting room last evening.
Kimmy went to her forever home on 28 May and has been renamed Kerry. She walked into the house wagging her tail, and after having a look around settled down. Minnie, the resident dog who is small, very old, nearly blind and deaf was thrilled to have a companion again and greeted Kerry enthusiastically. After a while, we took Kerry and Minnie into the garden where she had a good sniff around and was oblivious to the sheep who instantly spotted the newcomer and stood in a line watching her!
Kerry was very confident and within a very short space of time had attached herself to Eileen and Noreen. Such a delight to see how far she has progressed in just a few weeks. Kerry’s new home has a large garden, a paddock with 2 horses some sheep and goats, and some chickens. All the animals there have been rescued so she is in good company. We will be going back to see Kerry very soon – she is a very lucky girl to have found such a lovely home with such caring people.
We went to visit Kerry to see her settling into her new home. She was asleep on the sofa when we arrived – and although she was pleased to see us, she has definitely decided where her forever home is and made no attempt to come with us when we left. We will be visiting Kimmy and her two sisters, Minnie and Bella, again very soon.
Kerry is doing really well – still a little reluctant to go out of the garden for a walk, but we have discovered that she is much happier off the lead. It will be a long slow road to feeling completely at ease but she is certainly making strides. She’s very happy with her new sister, Bella, and each day they both seem to make something of a mini breakthrough. Shortly after Bella arrived Kerry gave up her comfy bed – now they snuggle up together on the sofa!