Lady Smith

We had to say goodbye to you on 7/7/09 due to your old age and heart at the grand age of 13yrs.
We all remember the day we collected you all those years ago, you were a present for Dad as he had always wanted a tri colour Cavalier.
We drove up to collect you and just as we got outside the house, we put you in a big box with a red ribbon on it and walked in the house.
Dad looked and said – oh you haven’t?! His face soon lit up when you popped your head out of the box.
You were a pretty little girl, full of character. As the years went on – you lost a few teeth, developed a spike like hair style on your head and some would say you resembled a gremlin! (mainly me).
BUT you were our little gremlin and we all loved you so very much. You always greeted any new rescue dog with a waggy tail.

Sleep well little lady and hope you have found all your brothers and sisters at Rainbow Bridge:
Queenie, Honey, Bonnie, Tia, Dukie, Appollo, Zuki, Lucy and Ollie.
We will miss you so much Lady but you have left us with lots of lovely memories.
Sadly lost but never forgotten.
Lots of Love & cuddles
Mummy, Daddy, Auntie Caron, Duke, Indie, Molly, Harvey, Charlie, Rupert, Lucy and cats.
Love you always Lady ‘Baby’ R.I.P