Leroy Rowe?????
Denise & Phil Rowe ……. Bideford, Devon

Leroy arrived from Ireland on Saturday 9 November. He was found as a stray and taken into the Vets, where he was handed over to IRR.
Leroy is only around 12 weeks old, and is a Lab X. This young man has only got a ¾ length tail bless him, we have no idea if he was born that way or what!!
He has had his puppy Vaccinations, but because of his age he has not been neutered.
Leroy (named after Jackie’s recently deceased rabbit) is a typical puppy, into everything. He already knows how to sit and is learning the down command, which he is picking up very quickly.
This little lad is almost house trained, and is being crate trained too. He sleeps in his crate quite happily overnight.
Here he is with my dog Bridie. My other dog Gizmo isn’t too impressed, Leroy is a little too feisty for his liking as being an old man, he prefers the quiet life.
Leroy is going on a short break with us where he will be meeting Regina’s 3 dogs Jerry-Lee, Teddy and Bouncer who is one of our Sponsor dogs.
Here are a few photos of Leroy at Regina’s.
Due to exciting family commitments (a first grand-child on the way) that are fast approaching, Leroy had to be moved from Jackie’s and we have been lucky enough to move him to Helen, a fosterer in Surrey who is also a trainer and behaviourist.
Helen says “I think Leroy is between 17 and 20 weeks, he has most his second molars and premolars and his baby incisors are going but he still retains his baby canines. He is having the three day puppy doses of Panacur favourites wormer as I think it is gentler than one big dose.
He has large marrow bones in his crate daily and he adores these and they help keep him calm. As well as the flower essences, I am giving him Stress relief tablets from Boots containing Lemon Balm and Valerian (Lemon Balm being a really comforting herb and much more use in these cases). I have barely used any other treats as I don’t want to upset his stomach, although he can cope with a tiny amount of cheese.
It is easy to forget how young this dog is, he does have silly puppy moments but he is much more! I have grown to really appreciate this little dog, his potential is huge.
He is a contradiction in many ways, he takes food very gently from you. If he mouths me in a puppy way and I give a puppy yip he has bite inhibition and will let go immediately and give you little appeasing lick. If he jumps up at you (and I have not pushed him off as he needs to learn hands are not bad things) he is very gentle when his paws are on you. He has a strength of character that is not often seen in such a young dog! He believes he is part mountain goat!
He can jump – well he springs up like a well honed athlete. He is a very strong little dog!
He is a curious mixture – not overly demanding of attention, not constantly fawning for physical attention but he does like just being with you… he will sit on the chair next to me by the computer or, as he is now, in his crate with a bone, next to the computer.
He comes out for walks with many dogs. I use the Perfect Fit harness and a 100ft longline and he is very good with other dogs on a walk, mainly doing his own thing.
The key to this guy is keeping him calm and not allowing the adrenalin levels to rocket! I give him down times in the crate, he settles very well and rarely moans.
I really like this chap, true he is a handful and you need your wits about you, but he is a handful because of what life has dealt him. I love his intelligence, his willingness to learn. His seriousness is sweet and sometimes he tries hard!!!
Leroy is currently in kennels in Wokingham, Berkshire
He’s now 50 cms to the withers and is being fed on a BARF diet which suits him well.
Leroy is now in foster with Suzy who said. “Leroy is a very intelligent young boy, who is very keen to learn, and very keen to please you. He is an adorable little soul who needs some guidance, and a firm yet calm approach in dealing with some of his problems which have arisen due to his sad start in life.
He is a very cheeky little thing, and if allowed will get away with being cheeky all the time. He gets on very well with both my 3 yr old rottweiler (Missy) and my 18 month old Labrador (Chester). Leroy and Chester will play fight until they are both tired, whereas Missy is far too ladylike and grown up for puppy play, so she often tells him off and tells him to quieten down >:o)
He is starting to walk nicely on the lead, but due to him being so young, the training we have started will need to continue. He sits when told, lays down when told, goes to bed when told, and comes when he is called, again, continuation of training is very important at this stage in his life, so he will need someone who is willing to the put the time and effort into him. He greets other dogs with a sniff and a wag of his tail, and says ‘hey, lets play’.- he gets very excited and bouncy, he is just a puppy so this is all very normal.
The problems with Leroy which need to be ironed out are simply down to him needing to readjust to everyday life with humans and dogs, as he had a very rocky start. He guards his toys with Chester and Missy, and sometimes he will allow them to come near and have a sniff, but other times he will let out a little growl or two to say ‘hey, this is mine, I am playing’!!
At feeding times, he is still being fed in his crate, as this is where he feels more comfortable, in his own little space, he is getting better as time goes on, and doesn’t mind so much if one of the dogs walks past him, when he first came here, he growled to let them know not to come near.. but this is now getting a lot better. I have a plan/time table in place to get Leroy to stop being so guarding against his food and toys with both dogs and us, and every feeding time there is an improvement, as he wants to please us, but for now its just a case of building up the trust between us, and breaking the habit of food/toy guarding.
Leroy, if placed in the right home with people who are experienced with dogs, and have the time and patience to continue with his training will end up being a fantastic companion. He would be very well suited to a home who can give him an outlet for his drive and enthusiasm for learning; he would make a super agility dog. He needs to have someone who can be firm, consistent, and above all, calm. I don’t think he would be suited to a family with young children, as he needs a calm, quiet environment. He likes to be with us, and loves his belly rubs and cuddles. He has only had one toilet ‘accident’, and that was on his first evening here, and since then he has gone outside no problems.”
Suzy said,“Myself and Dave are over the moon that Denise and Phill have taken on little Leroy. They were a lovely couple, and all the dogs loved them, particularly Missy who would have quite happily gone with them as well! We are at complete ease that Leroy will be much loved in his new home, and will get all the training, time, patience and love he so deserves. He has come on such a long way, and we hope he continues to do so. We were both very sad to see this little fellow go, but over the moon with joy that he has gone to a wonderful family, both humans and canine. We hope they have many pleasurable years with Leroy. God bless them for coming along when they did. If Leroy could speak, he would thank them from the bottom of his heart”.

I’m having a great time in my new home. I went out to the field today and ran around lots with Taz and Bud. Bud is a bit snooty and doesn’t have much to do with me. Taz is quite old and doesn’t play a lot but they both have a mad 5 mins and run around with me. Mum showed me some stuff yesterday, it was a stream with water in it – I didn’t like that very much it was quite cold and got my feet wet.
When I had enough running around for 5 mins I went onto the bus where mum and Taz were having a cup of tea. I sat by the woodburner on a beanbag but soon got bored of that so went back outside to have a run around. There are so many new smells and things to look at. I got quite a shock yesterday when this thing took to the air and flew over the stream, it was called a pheasant. I didn’t know which way to go. Mum said I had frightened it! That’s what she knows, I know who was frightened and it wasn’t the pheasant!!
I had to go and see dad at work today ‘cos he had tooth ache. I went to sleep on a blanket in the car whilst mum went into a shop to get some tablets for him. When we got back to where he was working he called me and I went running over to him. I met some men who work with him and they all loved me and fussed me then dad said I could have a look round the gardens. He called me back but there was all sorts of smells and I ran all the way over the other side of this field before dad caught up with me!! He was puffing, I don’t know why, I was fine! Dad’s taking me down the “vale” when he comes home from work. Bud says there are lots of trees and a river. Taz will go to bed with mum cos she’s tired and Taz can’t walk very far. Mum took some photos of me in their field and asleep in the sunlounge this afternoon.

By the way, I have grown and I now measure 24 inches from shoulder to floor!
Speak again soon. Lots of love, Leroy
p.s. mum says hi xx
Hi everyone, well I am a very lucky boy! As you know I had a few problems!!! when Denise and Kevin took me on. I have now sorted myself out and am very happy with my new mum and dad
I have 2 brothers, Bud – who is an old boy. I get on very well with him but he likes going for a lie down so he tells me off if I am pushing my luck!! Rocky is a couple of months younger than me, a rottweiler cross who was very badly treated, he never had the chance to be a puppy a bit like me, but mum says we are certainly making up for it. Apparently, what I don’t think of, he does!! Mum says it’s like 2 hyperactive 3 year olds!!
I love going in the river, not too keen on the sea and hate being washed! I love going for nice long walks with dad and most days mum takes me to our field and I run around chasing butterflies and barking at stones in the stream. I also go and see nanny whilst I’m there because she always has treats for me and I can chase the cat off and eat her dinner!!
I like nothing more than a cuddle. I sleep snuggled up to Rocky at night; he’s not allowed to sleep upstairs cos he snores and likes to sleep on top of mum!! so I keep him company on the sofa.
Well I must go now cos mum is taking us to the field to do some gardening. I love helping with that too.
All my love
Leroy xxxxxxxxxxx
Hello everyone it’s me Leroy, just a few words to say Happy New Year.
I’m having great fun here with mum and dad and my brothers. Mum and Dad adopted a rescue Rottweiler Cross a while ago and his name is Rockey. He’s about the same age as me and just as mad! We get on great and go for lots of walks with the old boy, a Manchester Terrier Cross, and spent several nights back in the summer in our converted bus where we get to chase lots of pheasants and run around lots.
We went out in the snow at the weekend and I love it. I bounce around and mum says I’m skitty, in and out the house and bouncing around.
I am such a good boy now. I do have the odd moment when I grumble at mum or dad, but I always drop when I have something I’m not supposed to have, which is quite often!! Only today mum had to undo her snood she had knitted because me and Rockey had a great game of tug whilst she went to a friends for a quick cup of tea. I am a bit of a thief and had great fun at Xmas unwrapping the pressies.
A bit before Xmas me and Rockey didn’t think mum had decorated the tree very well so we took it down and ate some of the horrible decorations on it. She didn’t seem too amused but she got lots of new decorations and did it again. she then put 2 chairs in front of it as I don’t think she wanted us to hurt ourselves if we got near it again.
All my love Leroy, Denise and Kevin xxx