Lily Darby

Another of Kaleigh’s beautiful babies, LILY is a very pale yellow puppy, now almost six weeks old, who looks like a Labrador. As her mum is a Golden Retriever, she is probably a Retriever x Labrador. Her ears are very pretty, they are pale with a darker edge all the way round.
She is very sweet and loves to be cuddled and to play with the other puppies. She likes to get under things and peep out as can be seen in some of her other photos.
Lily is named after a flower, like her sisters Jasmine, Poppy, Orchid and little Rose, whilst her brothers were all named after trees. She is one of the surprise puppies born to the very beautiful and very young golden retriever, Kayleigh.
Puppy Diary
Lily is a very pale yellow puppy. She is in colour the most like her mum. Her hair looks as if it will be like a labrador coat.
She is very pretty and sweet.
She likes to play with the others and also likes to sit and watch all the fun.
She loves to be cuddled.
Baby Pictures
Lily’s Diary
First Week
Lily doing well, settled in happily and getting on great with Archie, the scottie dog. She’s slept for 6 hours each night with NO accidents – clever girl! – and is already asking to go outside when she needs to.
She’s been to the vet today and he says she’s doing well. She’s had a full check-up (Alexa got to listen to Lily’s heartbeat with the stethoscope!) and a weigh-in – another 1.5lb gained.
Lily was a brave girl and didn’t flinch or whimper during her injections and micro-chipping – that may be due to all the treats the vet gave Alexa to feed Lily with!! She’s napping now after her busy morning so we’re all having a quiet few minutes before she wakes up and wants to play.
22nd November 2007
18th December 2007
PLEASE don’t mention the Christmas word!!
Simon, Fiona & Alexa keep reading me messages from my brothers and sisters and it’s a sore subject.
I have over-indulged today – I can jump really high now, and while Fiona was out I got our doggy advent calendar down (it was blu-tacked right at the top of the kitchen door) and ate ALL the doggy treats (and the blu-tack!)
Now Fiona is unhappy because she had to clear up all the cardboard – and I’d chewed it up really well! Archie isn’t my friend because I ate all the treats and didn’t share! and I’ve got tummy ache!
I’ve been sick (twice!) and Fiona had to clear that up, too. Then I felt better and went for my walk.
Simon came home and was told what I’ve been up to and it’s been exhausting lying around looking pathetic and trying to gain some sympathy – it’s a dogs life!!
Anyway, I’ve gone right OFF Christmas but might be a bit more excited when it gets here – whenever that is (I’ve got no way of counting off the days now!)
Love, licks and woofs,
Lily xx
25th March 2008
Just time for a quick update on Lily. She went to the vets last Thursday to be spayed and have her double dew claws removed. All went very well – she did look a sight with her “buster” collar, 2 red bandages on her back legs and a t-shirt on her tummy to stop Archie licking her stitches for her!
She’s healed nicely, we’ve given up on the bandages and t-shirt as she can still get at them despite “buster” and is demolishing the house bumping in to things! As for keeping her quiet – no hope of that!
She weighed in at 19.5kg pre-op, aged 7 months,and the vet took us to look at the growth chart which showed that she’s bang on target to reach 30kg at age 2 – hard to believe there’s a third more of her still to come!