Little Miss Poppy

Little Miss Poppy is a stunning, 5 year old, golden coloured, spayed Golden Retriever. This beautiful girl has been groomed and has received her inoculations to go to the UK.
Little Miss Poppy came from a good home but the children had ‘outgrown her’. She was originally an inside dog but, then, was left outside to her own devices which is very sad as she is so loving. It was felt that she was no longer getting what she needed. Little Miss Poppy came through DAWG Rescue, our good friends in Cork, who were contacted when this girl had to be moved quickly.
She has a vivacious personality and, like most Goldens, is very affectionate.
Housetraining: She is house trained.
Behaviour: She isn’t food or toy possessive but it is always wise to guard on the side of caution until a new girl finds her paws.
Travel: She travels very well in the car.
Children: She was brought up with children but can knock them over if they are very small. She is being fostered in Ireland with children and her fosterer’s puppy, who has already learnt manners from her, and we await the fosterers report.
Dogs: As she has the manners of a Duchess, she does not like males who are too pushy and she will make her feelings felt if they are. She expects all other canines to treat her with respect.
She is a beautiful girl who needs lots of love and patience as she won’t know what’s happening to her. She could easily be placed in a family on her own provided she is the centre of attention and is well looked after. However, due to the fact she has been left outside and perhaps is a little forelorn, a chilled out male might help her to realise she is, once again, loved and can truelly belong to a wonderful forever home for the rest of her life.
June 2016
Little Miss Poppy has gone to live in her Forever Home.