
Lottie was surrendered to IRR
Fosterer’s 1st report – UK: 1st November
Lottie is a very strong girl. She is a real character with spirit beyond belief.
She has not had one accident in the house, She has now started to slow down when eating her food. She realises that no one else will take it. She still sleeps on the floor and just has a sniff every now and then of her basket, but I’m sure with time she will pluck up the courage to go and sleep in comfort.
She loves nothing more than jumping up on the sofa next to us and snuggling right in and falling asleep.
The hardest things so far have been her relationship with Murphy. For the first few days he could not go near her without her snarling at him and showing her teeth. The good news is with time and patience they are joined at the hip. I have been woken up two days in a row with them running around the house and playing at 5.00am in the morning.
The other thing that has taken time is to get Lottie to go for a walk, she was happy to wear a collar and put a lead on but as soon as we got to the door she just froze and would get very upset. Today we had the breakthrough and she went for a walk with the others and oh my did she have the biggest smile on her face. She is so gentle on the lead and watching her walk through the field and rummage through the leaves was just pure pleasure.
The downside is she gets very stressed if there is not a human in the house and will bark until you let her know you’re there.
We are so proud of Lottie and each day we watch this beautiful girl’s personality grow. She would be best re-homed with someone who can be there most of the day. She is great with teenage children.
I have not been able to cat test her.
December 2012
Lottie has now gone to her Forever Home.