Lottie Noble


Lottie gained her wings.
Barb said, “Our beautiful, brave sweet-natured girl Lottie has gone to fly at the bridge with the other Angel’s.
Around 18-24mths ago we discovered Lottie’s time on this earth was going to be short, chances were she wouldn’t get to 6. Her condition had returned, but further down her spine, and we knew eventually she would become paralysed. Further surgery was not an option, and in all honesty, even if it had been, I don’t think I’d have put her through it for a third time as it was such major surgery. She had been through enough, and we wanted her to enjoy her time whilst she could, live life to the full and be happy. She certainly did that. However, gradually her stability became worse, her balance was affected and she was slowly losing the use of her back legs. Her spine along the base visibly dropped. But she was still happy and able to carry on.
Last weekend we took Lottie & her brothers Jackson & Loki to one of her favourite places, where she loved to swim & try to keep up with the ducks . She loved to swim, it didn’t put pressure on her body and she was so happy. Sadly after that day Lottie’s condition worsened, she was clearly very miserable and the pain was evident.
By Wednesday night we knew, Thursday she was cuddled until she had passed, heartbreaking as it was and still is, at least she was free of pain.
Her big brother Louis gained his wings exactly 2 years before and I know he was waiting for her and would look after her as he did when he was alive. Jackson and Loki are really missing her, she really was the boss. But they have each other and are gradually getting back to the new normal.
From the day I met Lottie she stole my heart, such a scared skinny girl who was only a baby herself. From that day on she only knew love, and I know with her appeal & story about her surgery, she gained many hearts. We will miss her forever, a huge chunk of our hearts have been taken, but I know both her & Louis are smiling down on us, saying we’re ok.”
Lottie was abandoned, found tied to gates. After all reasonable attempts to find her owner failed, they contacted IRR for help. Only a baby herself, she had already had a litter of pups.
We told her she was going to know what it was to be loved and protected in a forever home.
It soon became clear that, in addition to her apparent neglect, there was an issue with coordination when walking. Her legs were wobbly and completely uncoordinated.
Lottie was subsequently diagnosed with spondylomyelopathy (also called wobbler’s syndrome or OACSM) where bony overgrowths caused compression of the spinal cord.
After furious fundraising, the surgery was carried out to remove the overgrowths and everything seemed perfect especially when Lottie’s fosterer, Barb, fell in love with her and adopted her.
She was so happy with her new brother, Louis, and she appeared to be fully healthy. All was looking good just as IRR had promised but poor Lottie needed further operations See Hugo’s Wishes.
Poor Lottie has spent a lot of her young life convalescing but she has been helped by having loads of toys to play with, many sent by generous IRR supporters.

LOTTIE IN THE SNOW (10.12.2017)
Check out Lottie in the snow today.
Barb says “2 years ago today, Lottie came into my life. From the moment I picked her up off transport my heart melted. She was a skinny scared baby who just needed love and care. I knew from that day she was going nowhere. Little did I know then what a rollercoaster of a ride we were going to be on for the next 2 years. This girl has been through more than any animal should. Having a litter when she herself was only a baby, 2 major operations and, yet, through all the pain and suffering, she has endured she has been so gentle and loving. A dog in a million who melts everyone’s hearts when they get to know the real Lottie.

Here’s to many more xx

VERY SAD NEWS (4.6.2018)

On Monday 4th June, Lottie’s wonderful big brother, Louis, gained his wings.
Their Mum really did try but sadly nothing helped. After his last session of acupuncture, the vet had said he was reaching the end with his poor bones crunching. He rapidly deteriorated over the last week and in the early hours of Monday Barb knew it was his time. There was no other option other than to let him go.
Lottie and his Mum curled up on the sofa and comforted each other then Barb raised a glass to her amazing boy. Barb knew Lottie was really going to miss him as she was always looking to him for reassurance.

Lottie has a new brother, called Jackson. He started out as her foster brother but everyone knew the inevitable outcome was going to be that Barb became another “failed” fosterer.
He is a great big lummox but he is so adorable his girls cannot fail to love him. He enjoys supporting Lottie when she has her hydro and they love nothing more than a good old rough and tumble together.
JACKSON and LOTTIE UPDATE (12.10.2018)

Barb took Lottie to hydro for the first time in several weeks. Jackson went along to see what it was all about. He was a hit with the girls and was memorised by what Lottie was doing. At one point he actually tried to climb in
He is coming on in leaps and bounds. We have had him for 10 weeks now and we can’t imagine life without him. My house used to be much cleaner and with not so many destroyed toys lying around but Lottie loves her baby brother and is happier than she has been in a few months, since we lost Louis
Read Lottie’s Blog